Team Zissou

Andy Richter did a really neat Conan segment where he visited Del Toro's house. It's a horror film lover's dream:

Based on interviews over the years, it appears that Daredevil was a really traumatic experience for him in terms of doing injustice to a character he loved and facing the wrath of fans. Him stepping up to play Batman was a big deal because it seemed like he wanted to atone, which is in line with all of his other

For me, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is the real weak link of the movie, which is surprising because I later found her to be completely awesome in 10 Cloverfield Lane and Fargo Season 3. The decision to portray Ramona Flowers as a deadpan zombie really didn't do the love story any favors, which makes the ending the

Some spoiler discussion for those who've seen it:

I think there's been some discussion about why he hasn't been able to fully break through in movies, aside from comedies. Before seeing this movie, I could only remember that he was pretty bland in The Town. He gives a nice, layered and entertaining performance in this one though.

Having seen both, Drive is better in one very particular aspect.

He's stated in recent interviews that he was hoping that the success of Ant-Man would pave the way for a studio allowing him to make Baby Driver. He said he was fortunate that he was still able to make Baby Driver even after dropping out of Ant-Man. Dude's built a lot of goodwill.

It's almost every Sam Rockwell movie.

The only part worth remembering for me is the scene where Sam Rockwell dances his way onto a stage.

I remember McAvoy/Fassbender/Lawrence saying in interviews saying they'd only come back if all of them agreed to come back. The only character I really wanted to come back was Xavier, as he's the only one that makes sense to include in every X-Men movie. Given the all or nothing option, I would rather have them pass

Of the prominent 90's X-Men, she's been a lot more actively used than Gambit or others with similar fame. I've honestly enjoyed her every time they've brought her back since around the start of Brian Wood's X-Men book. She's fun as a seasoned X-Man. The vampire stuff honestly isn't even that distracting.

First time in Japan! And I'm packing the trips with awesome events like Mario Kart racing, owl cafes, and Tokyo Disneysea. It's going to be a good time.

Armor Hunters is just an awesome event. The highlight of the X-O series as far as I've read it. I generally don't love events due to the way Marvel/DC typically handle them, but Valiant events still feel like they're pretty special. Armor Hunters is the best one they've done.

I'm goooood! School is wrapping up and I'm getting ready for next year (when I'll be assistant principal). About to go on honeymoon to Japan in a few weeks and getting insanely excited for that.

The one issue is called The Final Chapter and is as close to a definitive moment for Spider-Man you can get. I love that there's a recurring trope of Spider-Man having to hold up a heavy load of falling stuff and I fall for it every single damn time because of that one issue.

Come by more often! It still updates weekly.

Spider-Man 2 is the best film for that very reason, with enough solid character subplots to fill out a season of television and the main villain is treated as just one of those many subplots.

He's my favorite character, but he's one who benefits from longer runs rather than any individual stories. His books shine the most when it focuses on the sitcom-like balancing of subplots between superheroics and interpersonal drama. His best stories are probably the Death of Gwen Stacy and Kraven's Last Hunt, but

I was confused when Duke told Hal in The Forge issue that he hadn't decided on a name yet. I was like, "Wait! You DO have a code name!" except I couldn't remember it at all. I then realized that was a big problem.

Defenders is a really curious book to me because it combines his characters with his strongest writing in the past (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage) with his biggest weakness (team books). I have no idea how it's going to turn out, but I'm already confident I'll enjoy his DD more than whatever Soule is doing at