Team Zissou

It's been really interesting learning about Jackson's involvement in various pop cultural projects over the last decades and his fickle nature in participating with them. His famous Simpsons guest appearance, for example, required that he would do the voice acting but that a soundalike would do all the singing. All

That podcast episode was seriously good. I love the story of how he found out about the MJ Jar Jar connection. George took him and Natalie Portman to an MJ concert and they met him backstage. When Lucas introduced Best as the actor paying Jar Jar. There was long pause as tension filled the room until Michael finally

Outside of his Bunn solo title, he's basically been a good guy since the Matt Fraction run. At least on the team books.

The teen books make up most of my favorite X books ever. New Mutants, Generation X, and New X-Men especially. Generation Hope was a little bland but still fun. Young X-Men has been the only real stinker I've read.

I haven't read any of Claremont's work with Rachel and have never found her to be an interesting character at all, given how prominent she's been over the past couple years. The new name doesn't help.

I actually liked her subplot with Sabretooth and thought it was the best part of Bunn's mostly underwhelming run on Uncanny. Besides the Elixer stuff honestly.

I wasn't too excited for the movie when it was announced because I was moslty underwhelmed by The Wolverine and I didn't have a lot of faith when they said they were adapting Old Man Logan.

I recently picked up the Death of Phoenix issue for a steal. I go back and forth between that one issue and the God Loves Man Kills GN as the best X-Men story of all time.

It's really weird having an X-Men line with no real Xavier, Cyclops, or Wolverine. The books have been missing some of that core philosophical debate that is currently only being represented by Magneto. You don't usually see so many of those characters dead at the same time. I think they're trying to make Emma Frost

Off the top of my head…

X-Men Blue has been surprisingly the best team book they've had in quite a while, which is quite a feat when you consider how fundamentally uninteresting the All-New X-Men are.

THAT'S what that was? I stared at it for about a minute and figured it was a reference I'd have to look up later.

I was only reading the younger skewed comics during OWAW like Young Justice, Impulse, and Superboy which actually told some strong stories. It's really funny to only read the most ancillary titles in a big event and only get the fringes of the main story, especially if that's what the characters are experiencing.

The Dark Knight.

The first GotG probably had the most successful ad campaign out of all the superhero films thus far. Even most comic fans couldn't name these characters before, but the trailers and posters were so unique and delightful that most audience members could identify these people before seeing the movie.

As someone who is often late to the comment game, I sympathize and will see you in the replies!

Wrapping up the school year and making moves to get started on my new Assistant Principal job. I'm so close to being wrapped up with hiring new teachers and am just waiting/hoping for our last candidate to accept the offer. It's been fun and a little intimidating/exciting to introduce myself to new people as their

The Ultron stuff in this issue was frankly awesome and more enjoyable than I expected an issue of Secret Empire to be.

Dark Days was an awesome teaser to the big event and is turning out to be more of a continuation of the Snyder/Capullo Batman run than I expected.

I was really surprised that David Finch was the only credited artist on this issue. The Gotham Girl scenes had a more beautiful, slightly Tula Lotay sketchy and colorful style than he's shown before. The Catwoman pages showed his usual sub Jim Lee Image style. I'd like more of his new stuff, please!