Team Zissou

It's pretty annoying when those free comics are essentially the first issues of longer plots because they can be hard to track them down if you didn't get them on the first day. I guess it's easier with them being free on comixology these days, but it'd help if they included a note or something.

Is this the same campus as the Jean Grey school from WatXM? He was walking when that series debuted. And if it's a new campus since the Limbo period then he's been dead!

All-New Wolverine Vol. 2-3 -I knew this series was good, but I had no idea that it would be “Bryan Q Miller's Batgirl" level good. Frankly, it's the only series I've read that's made the wider post-Secret Wars Marvel Universe feel like a living, breathing world that I enjoy visiting through these stories. Just a

Josh Trank was removed from his Star Wars movie for his terrible behavior on the Fantastic Four set. Can Colin Trevorrow please be removed for his terrible directing?

It's definitely a movie that people in the future are going to have a hard time believing actually exists. A director follows up a very well-received debut (Zombieland) with a dark R-Rated buddy action comedy starring a post-Social Network Jesse Eisenberg and a pre-career reinvention Aziz Ansari. At this point, it's

I enjoyed it enough until the very end.

That was the one with the really exciting Cylon Occupation plot over the first few episodes, and then 10+ episodes of useless filler until the Trial of Gaius Baltar story.

Heroes is a pretty fascinating case of "seat of their pants" style writing and the disastrous results of short-term planning. The first season was exciting because they kept raising the power sets of the characters until there was a finale that could only disappoint. By the end of that season, some characters were so

Erika's part was reduced due to Regina King's availability, not the shorter order. They could only could get her for one (really awesome) scene.

The show even had to bend over backwards to retcon itself as it approached the finale. They randomly chose Tyrol to be one of the Final Five and then forgot they needed the one Human/Cylon hybrid baby to be a big deal, so they quickly decided that his dead wife cheated on him and lol it was just a human baby all along.

I always preferred just walking outside to Downtown Disney for the meals. It's so much better and more affordable out there!

The "cinematic" parts made it feel like Uncharted with the big set pieces where the game makes you feel like you're doing something bad ass but it's actually just on rails.

The inciting incident for that world is the Joker spraying Superman with Kryptonite-fused fear toxin, causing him to kill his pregnant wife (having mistaken her for Doomsday) and inadvertently nuke a major American city in the process.

A real shame considering she's been making regular appearances on CW's Supergirl. I guess Vancouver is just an easier commute compared to wherever in Europe WW was filmed.

I'm assuming that Paltrow's friendship with RDJ goes a long way. He did, after all, manage to get her to be the only love interest to make an appearance in The Avengers.

I hid my wife's engagement ring in my video game drawer underneath my Sega Dreamcast. To those of you looking for a hiding place: yes, this really works!

The PS4 Slim doesn't have any feature changes from the original PS4 though, right? It's just a standard changing in console size, which has been done with every model since the PS1.

I occasionally purchase some collectible issues over eBay and most sellers generally get the job done using a couple slabs of cardboard like you mentioned. It's not that tough of a problem!

Brothers had some really inventive ways of depicting storytelling and relationships through gameplay, and it's been a while since I've played a really solid couch co-op game. I'm excited for this.

The most frustrating no-payoff mystery is the recurring image of a church across several seasons. In the finale, they reveal that it was just meant to foreshadow the order in which a few random characters entered a room.. which didn't even end up meaning anything. More coincidence for ya.