I still can't believe that his child's mother doesn't even have a name and is instead referred to by her queue number in his procession of hook-ups.
I still can't believe that his child's mother doesn't even have a name and is instead referred to by her queue number in his procession of hook-ups.
Having a series finale script trimmed from 2 hrs to 1 is absolutely no excuse when the entire season is wasted on an arc that ultimately has no payoff. They could have use the last 4 entire episodes to play out those moments! Instead they created the tonal whiplash of the actual finale.
I hated the BSG finale, but I can still admit that certain episodes and arcs like "33" and "Pegasus" were amazing.
I think it's partly that Hickman's approach leaves me confident that if I keep reading, eventually I'll be able to figure things out due to later payoffs. The ride is much more tolerable since I know the end will probably be worth it.
They still happen and they're heavily discounted, like sometimes even 40% I'd say. It's quite a deal, but my brother was gifted a Batman subscription and was annoyed by how roughly they handle the issues (often folding them to fit in the mailbox). Another downside is you don't have any choice when books are cancelled…
The same thing happens with Johnny Storm.
That Chris Claremont episode of the podcast was freaking awesome. I loved the Kitty/Rachel commentary and especially the detail about how X-Men: The End had an easter egg where President Kitty Pryde had a couple of red-haired children in the background who were supposed to be her and Rachel's Phoenix babies.
Which is why Jason Aaron's take on the character during those early issues of WatX was probably my favorite. The first arc features Logan directly calling out Bobby on his unrealized potential and then him having to step up to the plate. Too bad it was basically jettisoned after Bendis removed Kitty from the book and…
All-New Wolverine Vol. 1 - Between this an Old Man Logan, Wolverine's death is the best thung to ever happen to Wolverine books.
It seemed like they were building toward that with Cyke being the first to reach out to her in the book, plus the early cover with them making out. Instead he got pulled from All-New X-Men to star in that book with Corsair, leaving Laura to settle for a much blander subplot with Angel.
While the movie was in development hell, Jude Law was interviewed a couple times talking about how he'd kill to be in the movie and that he was a big fan who even had a Rorschach tattoo. He's pretty much the best Ozymandias in my mind - especially compared to the one we actually got!
Re: Film vs. TV and Damon's skill set, it helps that TV is more of a writers' medium. With movies, he tends to be more of a hired gun. His most derided movie project is probably Prometheus, and even there he was basically delivering the vision that Ridley Scott asked for.
From the behind the scenes article at Vulture, they described how they did more work on Nora because of years of sun exposure due to her new lifestyle and generally not taking care of herself. Kevin, by contrast, seemed to be a happier and healthier guy since we last saw him.
Vulture has a great behind-the-scenes article where Damon Lindelof says he insisted that they cover all their bases on the characters. "I do not want to spend the next 20 years of my life getting asked what happened to John Murphy."
It's been happening a lot to her character on Fargo… is that where Nora went?!
I definitely remember watching this movie and I absolutely did not notice the transition to Old NY at all. I think I was just distracted by how much unnecessary money they threw into this climax that nobody wanted.
There's also the weirdly specific feature of having an international team of army soldiers as your supporting cast?
I saw it at a screening last night.
It's a more entertaining line-up than any of the X-Men teams since maybe the Extinction Team.
It definitely doesn't spoil 3.0 and I don't think it does 2.0 either, having not read it. If anything, I think it spoils the end of the original run - particularly the Alan Moore stuff which I also haven't read. I don't think it'll impact the reading much though, but I'll vaguely allude to it in spoiler text: