There have been some rumors, but nothing has been confirmed yet. That's sadly just how Marvel works these days.
There have been some rumors, but nothing has been confirmed yet. That's sadly just how Marvel works these days.
Cannonball as leader just hooked my interest immediately. Did you take a photo of your sketch cover? I'd love to see it!
He was also the definitive writer for a lot of pre-existing characters too, such as Tim Drake's Robin and Dick Grayson's Nightwing. Not to mention he's the co-creator of Bane.
The coloring on said artwork is something else, too! The pastels were basically what made me pick up the book.
That's a good one too, plus early Snyder on Detective Comics, which is still his best Batman title yet. At the same time though, you also had stinkers like David Finch as writer/artist on Batman: The Dark Knight (which I totally forgot about until they mentioned it The Caped Crusade) and Tony S. Daniel on Batman. I'd…
I mostly collect by trade these days, but I'm definitely going to pick that one up once the first one is out. I love Matt Kindt and this new book sounds just experimental enough to get me interested.
Detective Comics has been my favorite. Some have described it as a classic Claremont X-Men book except starring the Batman family. It's way more enjoyable that I ever expected to be reading from Tynion.
I visited my parents' house last weekend and did a huge clean-up of my collection. (I do this EVERY time I go home)
Is Generation Zero worth picking up? I'm looking for some new Valiant titles now that my previous crop has started to dry up (Imperium, Ivar). My only current ongoing Valiant title is Jeff Lemire's Bloodshot.
His Batman is the only thing I've read where it feels like he's "trying too hard." Everything else I've read has been top shelf quality (although I unbelievably haven't read The Vision yet).
Yeah I agree! I remember Burton's film was pretty widely celebrated. The cracks didn't start to seep in until later, when we entered the Nolan era and realized that the Burton movie's tone was now campy in comparison and that it had taken too many liberties with the Batman mythos. The Adam West series, around the same…
I've been holding off on his Image books ever since starting Manhattan Projects and stopping because it wasn't paying off for me. Like I said, I'm waiting for them to be completed before committing to buying.
As I said in the reading thread, I was really disappointed by that $9.99 issue and I'm fearful of the trend it will bring. Judging by the comments from Marvel's shitshow of a retailer summit, they think of it as their only recent unqualified success! Oh no.
Yes, let's!
I'm probably going to go the same route as you eventually. I love Hickman but find that I only really appreciate his stories when reading them all at once. They're just so dense and the individual issues are often convoluted or disappointing. He takes big swings and he misses every once in awhile, but it's more…
I read the first Lemire Moon Knight trade and I thought it was great. Some people have called it Marvel's best current title. (Though the competition isn't exactly the strongest these days…)
He seemingly covers most of the major runs and people who left a definite mark on the title. A lot of creators are glossed over during the O'Neil editorial years, which gives the impression that O'Neil was still the primary creative force on the big decisions.
His depiction of Bob Kane is laugh-out-loud hilarious throughout the entire book. There's nothing objective about it, but I really don't mind in this case. I really had no idea how little drawing he actually did himself until I read this book.
I'm about to enter teacher spring break and I'm excited to visit Seattle and Vancouver with my family. First time! Woohoo. If I post in next week's Comics Panel, it will be from Canada!
I recently read The Oath and found that it surprisingly felt like a precursor to Waid's Daredevil run, with Marcos Martin's art and the throwback 1960s feeling to the storytelling. I agree it wasn't perfect, but I admit I was frustrated at the end because I wanted it to be an ongoing series.