If the characters weren't as compelling as I find them, I might drop it myself.
If the characters weren't as compelling as I find them, I might drop it myself.
I recently finished The Caped Crusade by Glen Weldon. It was a fun deep dive into Batman history, somewhat similar to Sean Howe's Marvel Comics: The Untold Story but not as big in scope and with fewer undiscovered anecdotes. There are a few times where he seems a little opinionated on events I witnessed that make me…
What did you read this week?
Bale also reportedly stood up for Amy Adams when notorious asshole David O. Russell tormented her on the set of American Hustle. I've forgiven him for the Terminator Salvation thing by now. Maybe we can somehow blame that one on McG…?
From what I've heard, they did the 4k restoration for both theatrical and director's cuts. It just depends on which one your theater chose. I'm going this weekend and I'm crossing my fingers for theatrical.
Wonder Boys is great too.
Only if it gives him an excuse to play Emo Peter Parker with eyeliner and hair flips again.
Part of me did not even want a season 2 because of how nicely things wrapped up at the end of season 1. I enjoy Aziz's standup-driven choices around themes for each episode though, so I'm generally happy it's continuing. Wells was great, but I agree I'd rather she gets her own vehicle.
The reality show mini-series would really match the tone of the Squirrel Girl stories too. Marvel should bring back Zeb Wells for the inevitable corporate synergy-driven relaunch of the title.
One big "What if?" for me is what the third movie in the Dark Knight trilogy would have been like if he had lived. It could very well have been the same movie in an effort for Nolan to feel like he didn't have to top himself. Or it could have been a different beast entirely. We'll never know!
I really have no idea how they're gonna sell it as a trailer. The obvious thing would be to make it look as lighthearted and positive as possible, then go for the bait-and-switch. I really don't expect the marketers to be that smart with it though, especially with most regular people's associations with the name…
Even though it has the qualifications of the most-purchase Google Play movie or whatever, I still don't think it's made as much money as it would have gotten with a theatrical release. Especially since they added it to Netflix just a couple months after its digital release.
The kaleidoscope effect during the fights is admittedly pretty cool.
I never really had any interest in those Ghost Rider books, but I did end up buying the omnibus of Jason Aaron's recent run because it was seemingly the cheapest omnibus Marvel had ever produced. It turned out to be a really fun, grindhouse D-movie type caper with both Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch in it. I'd recommend…
He was slated to take over the core X-books after Secret Wars ended and the status quo was rumored to involve the mutants moving to a place called Planet X in the wake of the Terrigen Mists. His editor left during the development of these books though, so he decided to just leave Marvel entirely and focus on…
But he acts like it tastes BAD out of humbleness.
Good find. I'll pilot adding it to my RSS feed and will keep it around if they consistently provide quality articles like this.
I think the main Annihilation mini-series is a lot better than the prelude solo minis as well. The solo books tend to be pretty hit-or-miss, but the main event books are all thriller no filler.
The initial Uncanny Avengers book worked as a premise because it made sense that the relations between the Avengers and the X-Men would have to be repaired as a result of the AvX crossover. Duggan's run has been enjoyable, but the book doesn't really serve a purpose anymore. It became immediately crowded once Inhumans…