A few of them are in Generation X!
A few of them are in Generation X!
The concept drew a lot of initial ire because there's a concern that male writers are often clueless about how to write female protagonists and a recent trope has been saddling them with a baby to give them a dramatic shake-up that usually amounts to nothing (See also: Catwoman, Jubilee).
Our little AV Club community is surprisingly one of the last bastions of hope, but even then the content has just recently been chopped in half.
Even Claremont himself rotated through different lead cast members during his run. At varying points it was Cyclops, Kitty, Storm, and Rachel, but not all at once. It's important to note that he was creating new lead characters as he went.
Cyclops has had a pretty fascinating arc over the years. It all hasn't been handled perfectly, but it's impressive how the baton was passed from writer to writer across different status quos while still developing him as a militant leader of the mutant people.
I think the retcon actually happened in Remender's Uncanny Avengers run. He wrapped up his initial big story with Axis and returned for one very awkward story involving the High Evolutionary and how he was actually responsible for Pietro and Wanda's powers. They assembled a new team and launched this book for 6 issues…
Everyone who remains after the characters you've mentioned are traditionally the supporting players who are great but can't carry the titles on their own (Colossus, Nightcrawler, Magik, Psylocke, Iceman). Rogue is arguably the only lead character left, but unfortunately she's been relegated to propping up the Uncanny…
It's why I'm selling all of my Walking Dead hardcovers on eBay. What's the point in collecting a series that loses your interest over time but never reaches a conclusion?
There was also a story arc in the late period of PAD's second X-Factor run that was literally titled "They Keep Killing Madrox." He's the single character in comics whose death is the most easily reversible.
Madrox really should have been allowed to retire into the sunset like Jack Knight's Starman.
It plays out as if the events in the Marvel books happened in real time to go with the publishing timeline. I think it perfectly captures how artistically pure the storytelling was back then before it got weighed down by continuity and status quo. Each event feels like a major one that would reverberate in the real…
Generation X sounds like the most promising to me. They're reviving the name from one of my favorite IPs in the franchise history and it's the only team book with a cast that was thoughtfully selected beyond the most obvious choices, suggesting that the creators have a more artistically pure intent on this one. Count…
He's about to launch a new Scarlet Spider title with Mark Bagley. Why yes, the current year is in fact 2017!
I just picked up that Morning Glories trade and haven't read it yet, but I'm disappointed to have heard on Joe Eisma's Twitter account that the relaunch for volume 2 is on indefinite hiatus. I remember the relaunch being announced over a year ago at NYCC at a panel and I could sense how financially difficult it is to…
It's worth checking out for the visuals alone, which are utterly captivating. You might miss some of the Easter eggs in the background. You'll be fine if you generally know the major Marvel characters and how they've been depicted over time, plus superficial knowledge of the stories I referenced above.
Bunn's Magneto book was so solid that I continue to give him the benefit of the doubt as long as he works on X-books featuring that character. Uncanny X-Men occasionally got close to being a good X-Force book but felt dragged down by status quo demands. Hopefully he's learned and will balance that writing conflict…
Marvels - Revisited this series after getting a Premiere Hardcover at a convention. It's hard to overstate the impact these issues had on me when I read them as a child, and I was worried because I've heard a lot of people knock it over the years — most often while praising Kingdom Come in comparison. The weaknesses…
Every time they referenced Karen Page, Serious Journalist, on this series, I couldn't help but laugh out loud because it reminded me of this monologue.
He also said that he only got to do 3 weeks of intensive training before filming began, compared to the 6-month regimens that big screen superheroes typically get. He definitely didn't deliver the goods during the series, but he really seemed set up to fail. Maybe his performance would have been better with a more…