Team Zissou

I've lucked out the past couple years by buying the Professional Pass which is available to educators and librarians. I hope they don't eliminate those passes as well…

I gave a read to two of them and it did help me understand certain parts more, but eventually I got overwhelmed by text and frustrated so I stopped. I like reading annotations for finding easter eggs and drawing connections I missed, but not for basic plot elements that should have been clearer in the storytelling.

It's ok bud I'm sure I'll be at other future conventions where Kristen is tabling. The good news is that I met her so we can now move past the awkward "Hello nice to meet you, I know you from the internet…?" conversation.

I love Kinetic! It was one of my first experiences with enjoying a book that didn't seem to gain any traction with readers and got cancelled way too early. It's by Kelley Puckett, who was the original writer of the Cassandra Cain Batgirl book and just generally has a real knack for writing visual stories with little

Tim Kring?

It's getting harder and harder to get tickets too. There's a whole pre-registration step that you have to take care of months in advance. The process is getting a lot more similar to SDCC. I miss when the same organizers also ran Special Edition, which was a second con that focused more on just the comics but still

Last weekend I went to Big Apple Con for a day. I'm supremely happy with my purchases this time around: I got very good copies of Uncanny X-Men #137 (Death of Phoenix) and Ultimate Spider-Man #1-3 for insanely good prices. I'm thrilled that my Ultimate Spider-Man collection is now fully complete because it's the book

I think Valiant's event crossovers benefit from having a narrow focus on a few select characters. Marvel's worse events are often the ones where they neglect to identify central players and instead it's just a hodge podge of background characters. The Valiant is probably my favorite one they've done so far.

Question! I've been buying the Miles Spider-Man book but I dropped Spider-Gwen way long ago because the quality just wasn't nearly worth it at all. Do I need to buy the crossover issues in Spider-Gwen for that story to make sense? (Especially if I want to do a giant Ultimate Spider-Man re-read one day)

How is the library on Comixology Unlimited? I was a little intrigued when it was first announced but I've honestly heard nobody talk about it ever since. It sounded like they would have a wide range of titles, but only the first few volumes to encourage you to buy the remaining ones. That didn't seem like something

Hooray!!!! Since it seems like Big Issues/Comics Panel will now alternate on Fridays, let's keep the reading discussion weekly too. I wrote mine on yesterday's preview just because I didn't realize it was coming. I'll paste it below:

It's unfortunate that Legends of Tomorrow burnt out any current goodwill any reasonable person would have for a live action version of the Hawks.

Not to mention how many times they've repurposed that office set with the adjoining meeting room.

The Pax Americana issue is probably the best example of the strong re-read. My first time through, I couldn't follow the plot (deliberately so) and hated it as a result. I had also just heard WAY too much hyperbole around the quality of this issue, with many claiming it was "Better than Watchmen."

I agree that people may be jumping the gun. So far it's just a variant cover and nothing in-story has been confirmed. I think people are just reluctant to give Spencer the benefit of the doubt after his Nazi-punching comments.

It's not Lemire's strongest writing, which I think is best on his own writer/artist books. His superhero work is generally decent but doesn't compared to his creator-owned titles. If you're enjoying Old Man Logan though, that Green Arrow run would be right up your allow.

You should check out Green Arrow by Lemire/Sorrentino some time. It has a similar B-movie type of action shlock fun in which the art really elevates the typical storytelling. Sorrentino's depiction of Count Vertigo's powers is one of my favorite things in years.

Daredevil is like Batman + Catholic guilt + Blindness + An actual attempt to maintain a personal life which of course goes horribly wrong for everybody.

I just read Multiversity. I often find Grant Morrison to be a writer who seldom syncs up with my tastes. I frequently have polarizing reactions to his books — All-Star Superman and We3 are probably the only works I would qualify as 100% LOVE.

It's a deleted scene that's on the Blu-ray/DVD but not in the actual movie. They couldn't get the rights for the physical release so you actually have to play Stairway to Heaven on a separate device and sync it with the movie.