Team Zissou

That is pretty fascinating! I didn't hear a word of this film's release back in October and I live in a major city where you would normally hear about these things (NYC). I recently missed a showing that sounds similar to yours a few weeks ago. I really wanted to see this and was even having trouble deciding between

His teeth have gotten too distracting for me. I just can't look anywhere else. He's like Ross in that episode where his teeth were whitened so intensely that they glow in the dark.

I could not follow the logic behind that scene at all. Just sentence to sentence it didn't make any sense in a way that humans could understand.

A bunch of gorillas who seem fine as long as you leave them perfectly alone. That is, until Barry threw Grodd into the mix.

Oh no, you're describing one of the many problems behind Heroes. At least we haven't had arbitrary depowerings like they did that show in an attempt to fix the issue.

The show could benefit from a paring down/reinvention of the team dynamic, similar to Arrow this year. There's too many people in there basically taking turns spouting exposition. I still don't understand what Iris is doing inside STAR Labs at any point.

It was a mild disappointment at the box office when it came out. They were going to move ahead with a third Tron movie until Tomorrowland tanked, which made Disney rethink their live action film strategy.

My bad, but I'm actually one of those mythological "New Readers" when it comes to Valiant so I can only recommend the Asmus run myself. I haven't actually read the older stuff, and am only passing on some mixed things I heard about the original Priest run. I still want to read it though… forgive me!

One of my most surprising moments in comics was when I finally read the Proteus issues. Wolverine is such a shellshocked crybaby after his encounter with Proteus that Cyclops slaps him silly and literally takes on the entire team BY HIMSELF just so he can shake some sense back into them.

Make sure you get the recent series by James Asmus, collected in 4 volumes. So good!

I've primarily been a Marvel fan for all my life, but Valiant has become my favorite line just because eventually you get tired of the same characters repeating the same status quo over hundreds of issues. There are occasionally Humble Bundle deals that can get you caught up on a bunch of titles at once, but a few

Nope. This one was basically revived by a big fan of the original Valiant who happened to fall into some money. There's been a lot of love in the world-building as a result.

This is probably their most TV-ready premise too. It's essentially about two adopted brothers who can't stand each other but are connected by armbands that they have to clink together every 24 hours in order to stay alive. The recent revival has been one of the most hilarious superhero books I've read. I would put it

Hey bud! I read Multiversity, and I was planning to do a write-up for Comics Panel. I enjoyed it way more than I expected since I'm not the biggest fan of Morrison, so I would say it was 80% stuff I loved and 20% stuff I despised.

I was trapped at home due to the blizzard, hitting refresh all day!

She's actually a legacy hero, which could have some weird implications in terms of rights. I don't think anyone would purchase the rights to the Golden Age WWII heroes without Cap and Bucky though.


I know this is only because they clearly filmed this in-between the shooting schedule for the Walking Dead, but there's something even creepier about Rick Grimes showing up at my door holding those skeevy cue cards from the movie.

These days when I decide whether or not I'm going to click on one of the main featured articles, I have to double check and see if it's a Newswire or an article with an actual functioning commenting system.

I actually thought he was pretty great in John Wick Chapter 2 and was the only person in the franchise so far who could hold his own against Keanu. I left the movie thinking I wouldn't mind if the next movie had a few team-up set pieces between Cassian and Wicl.