Team Zissou

I'm really disappointed they didn't use the Seven Capital Cities story either. Or any of the Brubaker/Fraction run in general, it seems. The character was always more of a cult favorite until we got that definitive run.

Another show that traded up in terms of networks: Nickelodeon's Doug switched from cable to the Saturday morning ABC line-up. The show had a slightly different (worse) feel and look by then, but it's cancellation followed by a revival was similar to other animated shows like Futurama and American Dad, so I think this

What's the logic in posting the non-HD Twitter versions of trailers now?

I stopped reading Chew around Vol. 6 or so and I don't feel particularly inclined to go back and finish it. I enjoyed it for a while but it never felt like a premise that should have lasted as long as it did. As far as premises go, it was fun and creative but it wasn't exactly Y The Last Man.

Hey dude! Not sure if you saw on the thread below but I'll be at Big Apple Con. I'll stop by Kristen's table on Sunday to say hi in case you'll be around.

Why didn't they do the obvious thing and just send the X-Men to space?

Yeah, the generic setting was fine as a backdrop for the hilarious exploits of our protagonists, but I found it very dull as they tried to get more serious and spend more time on the world-building.

I've heard rumors but nothing confirmed yet. I'm preparing myself for disappointment because I really love that series. It's a shame that Spider-Woman is one issue from cancellation and Silk might be shortly behind it but the very mediocre Spider-Gwen title lives on.

I agree with you on IvX. The X-Men humiliating the Inhumans in the first issue made me get false hopes for the rest of the series. Everything involving Emma was just horrible, and I have no interest in reading stories about her as a villain again. She literally killed hundreds of Inhumans, which makes it really hard

Too many of Marvel's books feel that way.

Get ready for spoilers!

Welcome back Asa! How's it going?

Did anyone read IvX #6 this week? The announcement of Charles Soule as the writer of an X-Men book was very poorly timed with the recent of that dumpster fire of a comic book co-written by him.

How'd you like Lego Batman? I enjoyed it quite a bit for the fan service, but I wouldn't say I loved it. I'd recommend it to others just for the pure amount of Bat history lovingly contained in the film, but the jokes and hysteric tone of the movie started to wear on me at about the halfway point.

Bleeding Cool reported rumors that DC is testing the waters with Amazon Prime for digital comics and animated movie subscriptions of some sort. Isn't Comixology owned by Amazon too? Anyway, it'd be exciting if something pans out.

Pretty good! Officially bought my Big Apple Con ticket for Sunday, so I'll definitely stop by Kristen's table and hopefully get to shout out a "HEY JORDO!"

What did you read this week?

He actually picked Angel over his own character! With a pretty well-thought reasoning that explains his worldview too.

In the long list of dead projects that once had Joe Carnahan attached to them. Mission: Impossible 3 and Daredevil are two pretty infamous ones. With Daredevil, he wanted to make a dark 1970's picture that recalled films like Taxi Driver. Given that Fox only sought out his pitch as a last ditch effort to retain the

I think there's a good reason that you can spot the "Xander" type on almost any genre show, post-Buffy. Joss Whedon solidified the archetype with that character but I don't think anyone has sold it quite as well as Brendon.