Team Zissou

I remember there's one last scene in the series finale with the original Scooby gang finally back together and they say something along the lines of, "Wow it's been a while." Yeah, no kidding! Too many slayerettes, dumb season. The main characters barely had time to share scenes together, aside from that time they

Aside from Veep, he's been around in bit parts for a while - most memorably in that cold open of The Office with Asian Jim.

TV classic reviews lol what are those


More that's missing from the movies: there's even a Rogue who is a Southern belle, saying "Sugah!" and everything.

It was interesting because I expected it to air during the previews with the other trailers. It basically served the same purpose as a post-credits scene, but obviously fit better at the start rather than ruining the tone of the movie afterwards. I remember Alan Taylor being really pissed about the awkward

The X-Men movies have several bad offenders for post-credit scenes with no payoff. The Wolverine has the airport scene that raises questions that are never answered in DOFP. At least DOFP had a teaser that actually delivered a movie with Apocalypse in it. The most recent post-credits scene promised that Mr. Sinister

They should have waited a while before posting that nearly all vanilla white cast photo.

I'm really lucky Arrow isn't as popular as a show like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead. I still haven't been smart enough to avoid this, but sites like Vulture will constantly post day-after spoilers in their headlines — usually by giving interviews with actors with actors immediately after the air time for the

Mark Guggenheim has said that Willa Holland is only contracted for 14 out of 23 episodes this season, so it felt like she was getting temporarily written out for scheduling purposes. Groan.

The link doesn't work! I must know about Laika! Noooo

Completely forgot about that random uncredited cameo until just now. It was obviously meant to set up a bigger role in a later film. UGH fine ok now I want to see this sequel.

Even as one of the last remaining Damon Lindelof apologists out there, that was the film where I finally fucking had it with his mystery for mystery's sake storytelling. It was around the halfway point where I realized I couldn't engage with the film at all because characters were just needlessly withholding

Olivia Wilde's Haircut: So Damn Hot

I looked some of the other books coming out and the whole line was pretty decent for most of its run (Fraction Uncanny X-Men, X-Factor, X-Men: Legacy, Kyle/Yost X-Force).

That's co-headlined by Brubaker for most of the run though, so it's not completely 100% Pure Fraction.

Whoooooa! I forgot all about the delays. It didn't make a fun experience reading with such gaps, but I kind of miss the days when Marvel would wait for a creative team to complete the issues regardless of pace. I guess Secret Wars did some bad damage to that model by delaying the whole line-wide relaunch though.

Avengers Standoff! was kind of a fun approach to those characters. I especially liked the first issue, which had a plot twist that was somewhat similar to Thunderbolts #1.

All of that Ultimate work precedes the Wolverine stuff, I think. I still really did Ultimates. Ultimate FF was decent, but marred by Greg Land at his absolute worst porn-tracing.

Ugh, that's a downer. I think I was mainly put off by his first issue just because (1) Kobik was annoying and (2) he reduced a lot of the regular T-Bolts to simple dumb bros.