Team Zissou

There's one unique situation: On the last year or so of the Ditko/Lee ASM run, the two of them weren't even talking to each other. Ditko was plotting and drawing the issues on his own, then shipping them off to Lee to dialogue. Lee had no idea what was in those pages until he received them.

I didn't last long with Zub's Thunderbolts (one issue), but given my love of both Winter Soldier and the Thunderbolts I feel like I'll return to it on MU later on.

The questions around the retcon that came up in the last issue were really intriguing. It seems like it's a deliberately open-ended question exactly how much of history was re-written, whether it was just to Steve or to everyone else too. I'm curious to see how it turns out.

Bleeding Cool has reported some huge discounts on some Marvel Omnibuses due to overprinting or something, including the Hawkeye one that's been going for about $25 compared to $99 retail. I'd pay attention to the resale market or conventions if you're close to any. I kinda wish I waited, but it's definitely

Future Book Club entry?

Is Enemy of the State the last *good* work Millar does at Marvel? Old Man Logan is ok, but too Millar-style nihilistic for my tastes and is only redeemed by the art.

Spider-Gwen, the comic, is not good. Read Spider-Woman and Silk instead for wonderful, unique stories with female spider-adjacent protagonists.

X-O under Venditti is consistent but never super great, although I haven't finished the full long run yet. I think it picks up around the Unity crossover and then the Armor Hunters event is probably my favorite part of the whole thing.

So great to see you back! You all had us worried for a bit there, and the whole time I was wondering, "Where's Mama Bear????"

I think even as a kid, I was blown away by the diversity of the cast. It really felt like Claremont was trying to pull off something bold with that line-up. I've only read the original New Mutants run in bits and pieces, but I intend to do a full read on MU this year. Even then, I was able to appreciate this Wells run

Your story is pretty much accurate. Tim Seeley confirmed that he caught wind of the controversy and decided that he shouldn't be writing the book, so it basically died shortly after it was announced.

Ohhhh didn't know Big Apple Con was coming up! I missed NYCC so I'll think about going on one of those days. I'll stop by if I end up going.

Ivar is so great! It's similar to Slott/Allred's Silver Surfer, but with less whimsy and even more comedy. Both titles have a surprising amount of pathos too. Ivar's a nice self-contained 12-issue story that sticks the landing, IMO.

Batman by Ed Brubaker Vol. 2 - I was worried that this volume would feel disjointed with only Brubaker's issues from the Bruce Wayne Murderer/Fugitive, but it actually improved the story by condensing it to a small character-driven plot rather than the bloated line-wide crossover I remembered. It still doesn't match

He did an amazing job doing the opening issues of PAD's X-Factor investigations book, but I think he only could do the first issue without any fill-ins. By the time the first arc finished, he was long gone.

Comic Book Love Fest: New Mutants by Zeb Wells

I think she's been her +1 throughout the whole awards circuit this year. It's very cute because they met on Dawson's Creek and have apparently been besties ever since.

Producer #3 also goes through his speech and then abruptly ends with "We lost, by the way" even though no one grabbed his attention in the middle of it. Rewatch the clip and you'll see that he obviously knew about it and still gave an acceptance speech — possibly out of nerves and anger.

I think the winner is still NPH's Mystery Box bit.

No worries bud. It happens to all of us!