Team Zissou

X2 is still probably one of my top comic book movies and it still held up on a recent rewatch. The only thing that lowers its star is the fact that there's a lot of squandered set-up for an X3 that could have been far superior.

The new Comics Panel / Big Issues schedule has thrown the remaining entries for a loop. I'm going to go ahead and take next Tuesday's slot if my assumption is correct and we'll have a Comics Panel that day. All the other upcoming entries will need new dates. We've missed a few entries anyway, but let me know if you

Excellent write-up, and I loved your workaround on embedding images from the book! You really went the extra mile on this one.

That's a bummer about Future Quest. I assumed it'd be a must-own for the Doc Shaner artwork alone. I was going to buy the trades, but based on the word it seems like I'm better off just library-waiting.

I have no knowledge of the source material at all except that it's related to Kirby's Fourth World, but anything by the Allreds is a must-buy for me.

The guy really bet on the wrong horse a couple years ago. He was developing The Martian as a project for himself to direct while also working as showrunner on Daredevil, but he ended up leaving both so he could focus on a Sinister Six spinoff from the Amazing Spider-Man franchise… and we all know how that went.

She was really lucky they wrote her out. It led to an Academy Award nomination!

Asa made an appearance under a new name during the last Big Issues. If you mention the name "Jonathan Hickman" enough times then he'll magically reappear, sort of like Beetlejuice.

Does he often do collections of his standalone short stories? I've avoided buying the floppies because I don't know how they'd sit on my bookshelf, but I deeply regret not owning I Killed Adolf Hitler.

What recent comic-related announcements have gotten you excited? There are two recent ones that have caught my attention:

I'm really interested to see where the Wild Storm goes, mostly out of love for that imprint. I dug the artwork. My only complaint is that some characters blurred together with their trademark Ellis-isms, but hopefully that's less of an issue when they have more room to breathe.

I generally like what Lemire's been doing with Magik and I'm actually disappointed that his run is ending with IvX. It never felt like he got to tell an actual story here. His book was the one that had to set up and deal with the terrible M-Pox editorial mandate, and then it's just been crossovers ever since — and

I guess my main complaint was over having no idea what Damian Lake was doing in the story. First Velvet breaks him out of a 20-year-imprisonment so that she can ask him about Agent Mockingbird. Then he escapes and starts killing other agents - initially because he wants revenge, but also because he's working for

I'd also suggest using the random comics preview Newswire posts for random discussions about comics we're enjoying, announcements we're excited about, etc. They don't come on a regular schedule, but there seems to be 2 or more each week. Power Girl used to be good at kickstarting these threads and I still find myself

I re-read the entire series before starting this volume and was surprised by how easy to follow the storytelling was and how Velvet's character made sense throughout those first two volumes. An occasional "problem" with Brubaker's storytelling is that his writing is so tight and includes so many characters that it's

I couldn't find it either, but double checked and it's literally the first sentence of the article.

Yeah, it'd be ideal if they could get it to the same day. I usually block out time once a week at work to hang out around here.

Oh it's so good to be back. What did you read these past two weeks?

I mostly just remember Ed Norton taking a lot of cheap shots at LA Times critic Kenneth Turan. He was really sour about those negative reviews.

I prefer Arnold Schwarzenegger's method of laughing over his films as if they are home movies depicting things that actually happened to him.