Team Zissou

That 2 hrs of post-hangout time is the sweet spot for hobbies. It depends on how beat I am from the work day, but that's the time where I alternate between reading comics, playing video games, or just wasting time on the internet (that last one is the most common one though..)

I'm kind of the opposite. When I was single, I never had time to play games at all. I was one of those try-to-date-all-the-time single types and it was stressful and felt like a full-time hobby. I didn't have time for video games and felt guilty about sitting at home playing them when I could be outside forcing myself

This is a comic book related post so it's fair to ask: what happened to the Comics Panel and Big Issues posts? I hope Oliver is just on vacation or something…

These days, I find Illumination Studios (Sing, The Secret Life of Pets, Despicable Me) to be much more worthy of that disdain. At least Dreamworks has the How To Train Your Dragon movies.

The All-Star music video features the Mystery Men in it prominently. It's definitely a tie-in promotional video.

They are certainly the most 3D-worthy CGI animated films, IMO. Surprisingly even the Pixar films are visually flat in comparison when seeing in 3D.

The falling out seems to have started some time after Garner worked with Smith on Catch & Release, which… yup, 2006!

Now that they're basically all-but-officially divorced, I still think Affleck is too busy focused on rebuilding his prestigious career (a second time) than to go back and slum it with those guys again.

I admit I laughed out loud every time Bane spoke* in that ridiculous accent in Lego Batman movie. It's so iconic they're still referencing it now.

Yeah and it's the first example used in the video! PASS

To be fair, this is a prestige mini-series and it probably takes them more time to complete each super-sized issue with the same creative team. The regular Supergirl title comes out at the same pace as the other DC books.


The movies are already doing that for them.

…. There was no Big Issues today! Noooo I'm so sad. Stay tuned for Tuesday next week!

Oh God. The ending of this movie is so dumb and left such a bad taste in my mouth. "Hm okay so he just got over this girl Summer. Who should this next girl be? AUTUMN."

He definitely got Tranked before it was even a thing. Here's an interview with James Horner (R.I.P.), composer of Amazing Spider-Man:

I think BND is only tainted by being associated with the terrible One More Day story that preceded it. I don't think that writers like Mark Waid, Dan Slott, and Fred Van Lente carried any bad reputation for being a part of it. Bob Gale and Mark Guggenheim… ehhh, yeah maybe them.

Watch out for my Love Fest post tomorrow for more Wells!

Zeb Wells and Joe Mad have a follow-up to that story in Avenging Spider-Man. It's kind of odd because it was clearly meant to be a standalone mini that got refitted to fit a Spidey book, but worth checking out if you liked the first one.

He was originally supposed to write the Del Mundo series too, before leaving to focus on his Man of Action projects. Haden Blackman did a decent job on writing duties, but Del Mundo was the obvious selling point there.