Team Zissou

Zeb Wells and Clay Mann - two creators who I think are quite underrated* - had a pretty cool Dark Reign Elektra mini that followed the character in an angry and traumatized state after getting abducted and replaced during the Secret Invasion story. Worth checking out!

Iconic or not, I was never really a big fan of Elektra's costume when I was a kid and I thought it could use an update.

I'm mostly interested in this because of Dane Dehaan, who delivered great work in the movies mentioned in this review but made a few bad film choices that seemingly threatened to sink his career. (Damn you, Amazing Spider-Man 2!)

If you play the credits for Sleepy Hollow backwards, you can hear the words "Turn me on, dead man."

I feel like this role is the obvious choice that everyone already guessed, starting before she was even cast and there were just interviews where she expressed interest in joining the series. I'm not sure what's so "…interesting" about this news!

He was so beloved that a whole episode of Classic Simpsons revolved around how nice he was! I'm very upset with him for retroactively ruining one of my many favorite episodes.

Are you sure about that? The postings about the bundle say you get a bunch of Volume 1 editions. They may not be the very start of the universe but I see some good entry points. I would start with The Valiant.

I really love the Valiant universe. A few quick reasons:

Aaron's Thor has been great, but inconsistent like you mentioned. The first 12 issues were without a doubt the highlight. I think it's because at that point he didn't know if he was going to be a big run or not, and just went all in for one epic story. Things took an immediate downturn once he started playing around

It's pretty terrible. I'll second everything @GusPhoenix:disqus said, and add that it feels like a first-time writer discovering comics and immediately trying to emulate Grant Morrison. It's awful and self-indulgent. I remember it getting some praise during the first issues, but I'm surprised there haven't been more

For the most part, I was disappointed by Streets of Gotham because it mostly consisted of fill-ins. Paul Dini was instead being wasted as a "showrunner" for the horrible Countdown to Final Crisis weekly series during that time, depriving us from more classic stories from his Batman run.

Agreed! I meant my statement with regards to Asian stereotypes specifically, but those creators have demonstrated a similar type of respect to other communities as well.

I think that arc is the worst thing Joss Whedon has written.

They're great! I love the recurring presence of Tony Stark, who doesn't even appear in the issues but the characters keep bothering him anyway.

I can't wait to see John Wick 2 as well.

He's still their biggest "name" at this point so I understand it from a numbers perspective. It's astonishing how much he hasn't improved over time though. His big events include:

It's like BKV tried to be bold in making the characters as unlikable as possible, but inadvertently made the book itself unlikable in the process. I'm glad it's bounced back.

That's a really good point regarding other book series. What's the difference in recaps in floppies vs. in trades then? Probably because issues read like different acts in one larger story, but released with a delay. I guess I don't mind as long as enough context is given in between volumes like you said - though I

I loved those! They were beautiful, but very expensive to produce, from what I understand.

Hey good to see you Asa! Good detective work, Carlos.