Team Zissou

I watched the movie he ended up doing instead of La La Land, War Dogs. It was like a Scorsese movie that got the formula all wrong. Instead of a Wolf of Wall Street-like send up of these horrible douches who acted terribly and got punished for it, the movie made the mistake of actually trying to make Miles Teller the

I'd say it has the best story in the series but with the worst action editing. The darker sequences in particular - the zombie siege and the fight in the morgue - were so badly done that I had to look away from the screen a couple times to avoid motion sickness.

I kept trying to warn you that I don't have a healing factor!

There's nothing about it that makes you feel like you're reading Dr. Doom, but instead some handsome generic baddie turned good. The real Dr. Doom can try to act with the noblest intentions but can't quite overcome his ego in the process. See: saving the whole freaking universe along with other realities, but still

Back when it was released, I remember seeing the preview art for the issue where Colossus came back and they actually included a black-and-white fakeout page where they found Phoenix at the facility instead. Made the Colossus reveal even more awesome!

I also think that any Bendis/Maleev collaboration reliably elevates him at least slightly above his average. Even the lowest quality of those books (probably Moon Knight) ranks above most of the work he does with other artists.

It really doesn't help that Hickman literally just finished one of the best Doom stories ever and the immediate comparison is rather embarrassing for Bendis. I'm also still a little burned by how his Iron Man book spoiled the ending for Secret Wars.

Bloodshot Reborn Vol. 3: The Analog Man - The first time I felt slightly disappointed by this series, which at this point feels like it's Valiant's flagship title. The unique horror-action tone of the first two volumes is ditched and replaced for this arc with a Mad Max / Old Man Logan pastiche that just doesn't

The problem with MU and crossovers is that the tie-ins still manage to worm their way into the monthly books you want to read, and if you're like me then you enjoying binging through completed runs and have to deal with stumbling upon really old event tie-ins every once in a while. That's why it feels like I've been

There are a few Holes in your logic.

Well congrats man. A creative work of yours has now been seen by millions of people!

Whoa what the hell! That's so cool! How'd you land the gig? Awesome job man. Your song has been heard by 2.5 million+ people! That is insane.

All good memories. As long as I get to visit my family on Kashyyyk for Life Day each year!

I agree, she seemed to really like Buffy as a character but didn't like the direction that the stories were taking her. The slog of the last two seasons really did her in and she seemed pretty miserable playing the character in her post-resurrection state. Over the years, she's occasionally commented on the state of

I only read the Atom one-shot and felt very similar. With the Rebirth initiative though, DC is trying to take safer bets with their lead titles, so it makes sense that we'll be seeing these stories through a Justice League book. On the plus side, the problem with JLA is often that the character development is hampered

Sarah Michelle Gellar hasn't been able to find a hit, with numerous decreasingly high profile TV roles that faced cancellation after one season. Most recently, she filmed a pilot for a Cruel Intentions legacyquel series that didn't get picked up.

Marsters did an interview at this site recently where he talked about the decisions he had to make in his post-Buffy career. His agent actually wanted him - a guy who grew up in California - to pretend to be British for the sake of his career. He also stopped dying his hair to that signature Spike blonde, which always

Out of morbid curiosity, I recently looked up clips from Dr. Phil's interviews with Nicholas Brendon from over a year ago and they bummed me out so hard that I had to chase that feeling with some "Best of Xander" compilations. I hope the best for that guy.

Oooo I forgot about Wednesday Comics! That's surely the winner for me. I wish there was a bookshelf on Earth that could sensibly hold it though. Maybe when I own a house I'll give it a personal wall shelf in my Nerd Cave.

My wife and I liked "I'm So Humble" so much that we made it our grand entrance song at our wedding reception. Like the best Lonely Island songs, it's just a legitimately great tune that is memorable for its jokes but instantly replayable for its music.