Team Zissou

It's a good thing they managed to reward Passengers with that spot! *eyeroll*

My internal Birdman backlash was so strong that I've mostly forgotten how much I enjoyed seeing Classic Ed Norton onscreen again. Sadly, it seems like his career went right back to where it was. His only post-Birdman movie that's even on my radar is friggin COLLATERAL BEAUTY.

Half Nelson is the big one for me, and that's the one that came out before he became *Ryan Gosling*. I still love seeing the guy onscreen, but he definitely has a recognizable movie star persona now that's reliable to watch without any big surprises. In La La Land, his character may as well have just been named Ryan

It's really helpful. When I read on MU, the "Events" sections usually cover the reading orders appropriately, but every now and then there are unusual gaps for no reason. Comicbookherald is really good for covering wider runs that aren't contained by single events too. My wife recently read the entire run of Ultimate

If you get a chance, I'd highly recommend DnA's Nova series. If you have the Conquest trades, you'll already have the relevant tie-in issues but the whole series is worth reading. Especially because the Annihilation-era depiction of the character is awesome.

It was the dumbest thing in the world but I really enjoyed it. Jason Aaron's Ghost Rider run is similarly fun and ridiculous grindhouse entertainment, though not quite as dumb.

I don't think the order for the various Annihilation solo minis really matters since they're happening simultaneously with little overlap. The only reason for any specific reading order would be because the quality varies a little. I think you could easily read them in whatever sequence just based on how you like the


I read the first issue of that Hercules run and liked it enough, then figured I'd wait until it was all finished before binging it on MU.

Not doing so great, but that's ok. I attended the Women's March and then had a small run-in with the law due to the increased police presence in the area. I won't get into specifics, but it was dumb and harmless yet nonetheless still very scary to experience. It also put me in some rocky waters with Mrs. Zissou over

This is kind of cheating, but I'd say DC's Solo. It's technically an anthology because there are multiple creators, but each person gets their own issue and they're completely standalone. DC recently released a gorgeous hardcover collecting the entire series, but I stuck with my individual issues where I only

I enjoyed the start of the Two-Face story but felt it ran overlong, especially with the double issues. I'm really glad All-Star bounced back by reuniting the creative team of The Black Mirror though! And like you said, it's great that Snyder went ahead and politely ignored his own Mr. Freeze revamp after it was poorly

I've read a lot of Nova runs lately featuring Sam Alexander and the new one is the best one yet. His mentor/mentee relationship with Richard Rider is really great so far and is very rewarding for those who followed the DnA series. I also like how they recently used the Champions as supporting cast members. Great book!

Right? It feels like a different level of clickbait. The SNL episode review was posted on Sunday and they gave the cold open a separate Newswire. They used to embed the sketches inside the actual review, but now they're posting this one a full day after the other articles. Seems kinda desperate, no?

I liked all the ancillary Green Lanterns in the movie: Geoffrey Rush as Tomar-Re, Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog, and most especially Mark Strong as Sinestro. I hated just about every other casting choice in the movie though. The Hal Jordan trains with the other Lanterns section of the movie is by far the best part,

@cyrus clops is up this week. We've missed a couple, so here's a reminder in case it's been a while:

Trinity could raise a good argument for Francis Manapul having an art director role at DC. Every issue of that book has been beautiful, and I'm surprised that the fill-in artists have matched his style so well. I expected a "Layouts" credit for Manapul on those issues but I didn't see one, so either he's doing them

She dug it! I mean, it's basically a continuation of those 3 individual series so it's what you would expect. I'd say that Spider-Woman probably has the most important developments during the story, so it's definitely worth reading if you missed it.

Morrison's run was long after Brubaker's, so I'm sure this outdated Bat Bible was thrown out by then.

My wife recently read all the issues of Silk, Spider-Woman, and Spider-Gwen so that she could read the Spider-Women crossover. I then asked her to rank the titles. Spider-Gwen was unquestionably the clear bottom. I was surprised that she preferred Spider-Woman to Silk though. We both love Silk just because, as Asian