Team Zissou

Does this volume include any of the Civil War II tie-in issues? Dennis Hopeless made good use of the Jessica/Carol friendship and was the only person who managed to humanize Carol a little during this whole mess. Carol's still the villain of the big story, of course, but Jessica gets to react in a way that suits their

Some time ago, Ed Brubaker did a great interview with Comics Alliance where he detailed his time working on the Bat books. I'll post the relevant excerpt below. Keep in mind that this was not the 1950s, but the early 2000s.

What did everyone read this week?

I'm really happy about that one. A recent push for a minor character that's actually managed to stick.

The main X-books are weirdly resistant though, given the big push for diversity that's happening on all other corners of Marvel. I'm way more excited about the diverse teams (creatives and mutants both) on Generation X and Iceman than I am for the Gold and Blue relaunches.

I would totally buy that book.

That is very sad to hear, but not too surprising. When Jay first came out as trans online, I couldn't help but wonder what that meant for their marriage. I can really understand Jay's particular desires to keep their private life removed from public life. I can't imagine it's easy at all. I hope the best for them.

It's really funny having to explain comic book deaths to non-readers. One time I had a good friend over and she reminded me how much she loved and idolized Rogue growing up from X-Men: TAS. I was like, "Hey! Let me show you something" and then handed her the issue of Remender's Uncanny Avengers where she gets

Oh no don't get me wrong, that's exactly my point. The diverse characters are there, but the whitebread ones seem to be the default choice when they're doing adaptations or creating relaunches. I love the characters you mentioned and could add on even more. Are any of the P.O.C. mutants in the two new leading books

Yeah, I agree. Every now and then we get a new character like Armor who is cool and kept around for a few months before joining everyone else in the background.

The X-Men are still shockingly bad at diversity. There have been attempts with newer characters but It doesn't help that there are just too many of them to appear in the comics these days, so they tend to go with the most famous and popular ones every time they build line-ups. Of those, how many can be considered

As an Asian American comics nerd, it's been a joy seeing my non-comics reading friends sharing this news and getting excited over it. I'm not even following this book, but I love Greg Pak, Amadeus Cho, and Silk so I'm totally going to pick up these issues.


I always liked Nightcrawler. His special power attacks the entire screen!

The Flash’s surging popularity is such that the character’s spotty recent solo history is inexplicable. The Flash should naturally be one of the company’s best-selling comics, but there hasn’t been a Flash series worthy of the character’s reputation in a long time.

It looks like the movie Flash is learning the wrong lessons from the New 52 costume designs.

Annihilation is the opposite of what's happening at Marvel these days. It's some non A-list creators taking some unused characters that nobody cares about and playing with these Space Toys in more inventive ways than anyone else has imagined. You wouldn't see something like it at current Marvel, which is well aware by

Annihilation and all the DnA Cosmic Marvel books are so amazing that they make you a little sad afterwards because (1) none of the current stuff is anywhere near as good since they've aligned the status quo with the movies and (2) the movie - although great - doesn't really adapt that version of the team at all.

Midgar also felt so big, you thought the entire game was going to take place there. I remember when I first got access to the world map, it blew my mind. Midgar is only one city!

That's pretty much it, too. Whenever I imagine Joker's voice in my head, it's Hamill's voice. Same when I read comics.