Team Zissou

I think we're still waiting on Weapon X and Cable announcements.

Hopeless' X-Men Season One is really great! The Jamie McKelvie art goes a long way towards modernizing those characters and making them feel like recognizable teenagers.

I actually saw the cover of this book on top of a collection of Batman Elseworlds stories and it made me really curious. I'd honestly never heard of it and it sounds really interesting from your description. A part of me really wants to go back and check out those old Elseworlds and What If? stories today because they

We started with the main X-Men books a little bit on Tuesday, but let's check in about all the major X-book announcements so far.

Just got to see the Lion King on Broadway for the first time last night. It came as a surprise because I won the digital lottery after only a month of trying. Tickets usually fare for $150+, so I thought I was never going to see this show until I found out about this new lottery. It was wonderful!

I don't think it's possible to withstand that amount of online jokes about your art style without developing a good sense of humor. Not to mention this infamous commercial:

Valiant has a few heavy hitters in their bench - I'd include Trevor Hairsine, Clayton Henry, Clay Mann, Raul Allen, and Mico Sayan in that bunch - but they seem pretty strategic in when they deploy them. Like Marvel, they often bring out their top artists for the opening arc of a book and then quickly replace them

I'll always love the book for turning Stuart Immonen into a top-tier talent at Marvel. He had been doing consistently good work in this style before - I first remember it from his Ultimate X-Men with Brian K. Vaughan - but this is where he took his cartoonish, stylized approach and took it to the next level. Nextwave

It's a good version of the character, but I'm not sure it really fits. She's more of a Paris Hilton type in this book that's good for a lot of jokes but doesn't mesh great with continuity - which is besides the point of this book anyway. She's always a fun character either way.

Batgirl Vol. 1: Silent Knight - Collecting the first 12 issues of the Cassandra Cain series, one of my favorite Bat books ever. The early storytelling is a little less coherent than I remember, but I was quickly reminded of why I fell in love with the terse dialogue and dynamic action sequences illustrated by Damion

I asked my brother to renew my MU+ account for my X-Mas gift. I think I'm only going to renew it for one more year at this point. It's $99 at that tier - you get a cool box set of exclusive comics and a Marvel Legends figure plus access to some special events (I went to the Luke Cage premiere). The events are fun, but

I'd suggest getting IX off of PSN. It's a throwback to the more fantasy and less sci-fi era of the series, but with an updated style and very charming characters. It will give you the best feel for what people love about FF games. The recent rereleases also include fast forward and other features that make random

Sam Raimi was totally more in love with the Ditko-era Spider-Man as he professed in interviews, even down to his choice in villains. The socially awkward everyman was definitely an intentional throwback to the early 60's version of the character. I thought Tobey was great for the tone Raimi was trying to pull off in

She was modeled after Margot Kidder's depiction of the character, so it could have been an excellent performance if they had access to a time machine. It's too bad Bosworth opted to go with the "non-performance" acting decision.

The most baffling thing about the first trailer for me was how they slipped in shots of Andy Garcia and Lawrence Fishburne into the end, along with some other humans. Since the isolation of the two leads is the whole point of the movie, it basically spoils that either they'll get rescued by another ship or some other

He was pretty good in Oscar contender Moneyball too, but his role was basically Andy Dwyer of the Oakland A's.

But then Ricky Gervais will say mean things about your movie and make you look bad in front of your Hollywood friends =*(

His Magneto solo series that ended with Secret Wars is pretty underrated. It's basically an underpowered Magneto going all Punisher / one-man Uncanny X-Force against threats to mutants. Definitely my favorite work I've read from Bunn.

I liked his enthusiasm IRL but I didn't really like his wise-ass Spider-Man. He came off more as a selfish bully in those movies and used humor as a tool to belittle thugs instead of as a fear-deflecting mechanism. He seemed less like a put-upon nerd and more of a cool guy with some personal problems that he took out

My "favorite" gem from those Sony leaks: