Team Zissou

When enough attention is paid to her, she's easily the strongest and most dynamic character in the entire Superman cast.

Arrival was one of my favorite movie-going experiences of the whole year, but I have to admit I kept getting distracted whenever I remembered that the last time I saw her in a movie she was basically only used to sit in a bathtub and play "hide the nipples." One of our most wonderful actresses being reduced to eye

I feel really bad for him. When he was first cast, he showed up at Comic-Con dressed in a halloween Spider-Man costume and snuck into the Q&A line to give some big speech about how much the character inspired scrawny kids like him growing up. There's a youtube video floating around that is probably the most aww-worthy

I generally think he's a fun character with cool powers. I'm surprised that no one in the X-offices loves him that much, but I guess we're still waiting until creators who grew up in the 90s fully take over the asylum. He hasn't really been on a main title since the Lobdell days.

Wildcats 3.0 is incredible and is one the first cancellations to hit a young Zissou near to the heart. It's the title where Dustin Nguyen first appeared on my radar.

I also really enjoyed the recent annual where he brought back Elixer from the dead and gave him a very important role in the X-Men status quo. I was not expecting that at all and was genuinely surprised! I love that character.

My brother has an irrational 90s love for Gambit. I feel like my guilty pleasure equivalent is Grifter.

Travis Charest's Grifter is probably one of the coolest depictions of any comic book character I've ever seen. My copy of the first volume of Wildcats 2.0 is a treasure for that reason, in spite of the D-grade writing by Scott Lobdell.

Snyder's Mr. Freeze is probably the biggest letdown since the New 52 started. Mercifully, that characterization was mostly contained in one annual.


I was incredibly disappointed by the announcements, given the nostalgia-baiting titles and the hope that things were turned around.

I had a solid Thanksgiving weekend with the in-laws, aside from a few nightmarish periods where I felt like we were being held hostage by my extremely temperamental millennial sister-in-law as she drove the car through Black Friday traffic.

Seriously the worst part of the movie for me too. Switching out awesome Colin Farrell for smug, overrated wifebeater Johnny Depp? HUGE DOWNGRADE

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Splendiferous!

Cool I'll put you down for that date then.

The Rick Remender run on Venom is seriously underrated. I think I'm going to pick up the Complete Collection books they put out recently.

Are you already on the schedule? I'm not sure if you have more than one username or if I haven't scheduled a date for you yet. I could put you down for 3/24 if that's the case.

I'd vote for any Valiant book, but I'll make a push for Harbinger or Divinity as the best intro books IMO.

I'm still unsure if Renew Your Vows is going to be unique each to keep buying - the villain arc seems to be rather generic so far - but man does it feel good to have Ryan Stegman back on a Spider-Man title. I loved his work on Scarlet Spider and especially Superior Spider-Man, but found he just wasn't as interesting

Cool! Do you know the exact issues or the title of the story arc? I'll add it to the master list.