Team Zissou

Thanks for catching that! I went "Nooooo!!!!" when I saw the headline.

X-Statix is a slight step down and it gets sillier, but man is it still fun. It feels like the book was damaged by editorial interference over the "Di Another Day' story which became "Back From the Dead." Once they removed Princess Di from the story, it served no purpose and ran overlong. I blame Jemas/Quesada for

Does Quesada have much of an influence these days though? I got the impression that once Alonzo was made EiC, Quesada was promoted to some made-up sounding position that was basically his reward for leading Marvel out of their bankruptcy.

None of the other books referenced it while it was coming out, so it had its own little side continuity that's kind of similar to Nextwave. The characters from that team have since adopted some of the series into continuity lately. X-Statix can't do the same, obviously, since all of the characters (besides Doop) are

There's an amazing omnibus that collects all of it together and it's surprising that you can still find a good discount on it these days. Highly recommend worth reading. It stands alone and doesn't require any other continuity.

The fill-in artists are a real murderer's row of talent, too!

I'll just add: the X-Statix relaunch happened a month after the X-Force title ended. Deadpool, Cable, and X-Force were all cancelled and relaunched and retitled as Agent X, Soldier X, and X-Statix. The hilarious thing is that there was a theory that Marvel was trying to screw over Rob Liefeld by retitling so they

I was about to write about this for my Comic Book Love Fest entry! Luckily my slot is a few months away, so I can try to think of something else I want to re-read or just stick to the X-Statix portion of this run which isn't covered in this article.

Personally, I'd really love a deep dive into Zero. That comic reaches some amazing heights, and then goes absolutely insane. It'd be great to unpack it with people.

He's the nicest dude ever. Doesn't seem like a guy who worked in the CIA at all!

I'm doing pretty good. Work has been busy but I've been looking forward to today for a while. One of my best friends is coming to visit for a full week. He's never come to NY since I moved here many years ago and I usually only see him when I go back to visit my parents for holidays. He gave the most amazing speech at

Sympathy upvote here too, bud. Wishing the best for you and your family during this time.

****SPOILERS for JiM's last issue from this point forward****

Thanks for posting the initial entry!!!!! I'll respond with comments in a separate entry, but we now have a full slate from today through 3/17 thanks to all the gracious commenters who signed up. If you are still interested, we can add on dates that happen after 3/17.

It feels like tumblr changed his writing and he's been producing books that are more specifically directed towards his audience (or at least the loudest voices in that audience). Personally, I miss when he could just produce more straightforward action work like in Uncanny X-Men and Thor in addition to his more

I'm so angry that I bought regular tickets. The best theater to buy advanced tickets in my neighborhood is one of those fancy AMCs where you get to pick your seats and there are La-z-boy recliners. Because of that, you have to buy them several weeks in advance, before the reviews go out.

Collapsing this thread because I'm seeing it tonight! I'll reply to people's comments later.

The Massive: Ninth Wave - A follow-up mini-series to the main book that is basically designed as a "victory lap" for the creators and the characters. As cocky as that description makes it sound, I really enjoyed this prequel because it stripped the series down to my favorite element: standalone tales about nonviolent

Brick was a great villain while Oliver was away in Nanda Parbat and it was up to Roy, Laurel, Felicity, and Diggle to protect the city in his absence. Their scenes had a real danger to them and you could tell that particularly Roy and Laurel were facing someone who was more than their match.

The one time Kim ever clicked for me was in the S2 scene when Jack is flying the nuke and he gets one last goodbye phone call with his daughter. Cuthbert isn't a great actress, but she can rise to the occasion when the material is that good.