Team Zissou

Dude has Daredevil's luck with girlfriends from the comics.

Tony Almeida's "death" in S5 was just about the worst thing ever. I remember being so upset that they gave their arguably coolest cast member such a crappy death. After having Michelle killed and then sidelining him for half the season, they revived him from his injury state and he immediately got killed by a lethal

It's probably the most hilarious sequence in the entire series. This guy's established for all of 15 seconds where Jack is basically going, "So you're a pretty terrible guy huh?" and the dude is all "Yup" so smugly. And then Jack shoots him dead!

Live Another Day's ending is very satisfying for that reason.

I remember reading in interviews that S7 was the only one they managed to fully plan out since (at least the first half) of S1. They had extra time because the Writer's Strike happened and they had only shot a few episodes, so they had to delay the premiere by an entire year.

It sucks that the backstory motivation for his death was shoehorned in at the last second and he acted so out of character, but it was the last death on the show that really shocked me and gave me an OMG reaction.

I think season 5? Just because we were more invested in Chloe by that point and we have already seen so many CTU supporting characters die that season.

I'll add that it's definitely the season that handles the time mechanic the best. I remember one episode featured Jack running down the stairs trying to catch up with a suspect taking an elevator and the whole scene took place in agonizing real time. It was one of the tensest moments of the whole season and it didn't

I thought it was a great surprise because it didn't make any sense. When you rewatch the season, Nina is so helpful that it is completely counterintuitive with the actions of a mole. You can tell they definitely didn't have a character solidified in their heads when they created the mole subplot.

Season 7 and Live Another Day were both worth it for me, but I understand how someone could stop after Season Five and be perfectly happy.

Season 4 was a slight step down for me as well. It was a hell of a lot more consistent than Season 3, but it got repetitive pretty fast. I have to disagree with this article a lot because I found Marwan to be a tiring and unbelievable antagonist. Dude had a contingency plan for EVERY SINGLE action that the heroes

Jack's execution of the main villains in that season are some of the most iconic moments in the entire series for me. There's no better way to go out than using a katana to decapitate one of the series' main antagonists.

I loved going back and rewatching season 1 (which I had mostly missed) and seeing that they had teased Tony as the potential mole for most of the season, and the way they depicted it was having him sip out of his Cubs mug while narrowing his eyes and looking back and forth. He looked like Tony Almeida as a cartoon

God, that season is so awesome. It's what took 24 from a sleeper hit and turned it into "OMG ARE YOU WATCHING THIS SHOW."

In a way, S6 somehow validates even further that S5 is the absolute tops. There's no way you could improve the show after. They went for a bold swing (let's introduce Jack's family!) and missed big time.

My favorite hit is in the first one after the cops hide inside an apartment and then use an ax to make a hole beneath them to enter the unit below. When they start to hear footsteps running towards the hole, one of the cops catches the guy as he drops and immediately tosses him out the window!

Great! I put you down for 3/17. Let me know if you need any adjustments and I can change it for later.

Awesome. Put you down for 3/10!


It's part of why I thought Convergence was such an interesting idea: two issues to tell an entire story, that's it.