Team Zissou

I hope that you don't have any asshole neighbors who like to play screaming metal music and make passive aggressive comments behind your back.

I agree. It's easy to read the entire Millar/Hitch run and end up hating every single character in the Ultimates, besides maybe Thor. And this is coming from someone who likes that comic!

I haven't read the issue but did see the different articles about it. I don't mind erasing such an ugly story, but I think this kind of major retcon-ing is less common at Marvel and seems like more of a DC move.

Probably the only worthwhile one out of the entire bunch, and it helps that it has the most distance from the original series. Silk Spectre is a distant second, and then everything else is a complete dud.

I read the volumes of Fatale as they were coming out and I agree with you: it was really hard to keep track of all the events and characters. Besides having each volume take place in a different time period, you also have the framing story with its own protagonist that seems to take less precedence to the main story


It just kinda… exists? Idunno. It's not his best work but it's not that bad. He has a few neat ideas but they often ran out of steam and I'm not sure there's a single arc that clicks for me perfectly. The Forever Evil crossover is probably my favorite, and the Darkseid War story that closes the run is interesting

Woohoo! Awesome!!! We have quite a full slate now. Yeah it's easier to just read something and get it out of the way, rather than waiting a few months. I had to sign up for a later date myself just because I have a whole omnibus to read and reflect on.

Changed it. No worries!

Hey you're going to be great! Don't worry about it. A few suggestions:

Got you! Just let me know when you've chosen your title. You've got plenty of time.

I'm really curious what drove the artist away from the Teen Titans relaunch after drawing the Rebirth issue. Was there a disagreement on tone? On the number of issues of set-up needed?

I'm going to try and hold out for a hardcover that collects all 12 issues so I can get it the most prestigious format and get maximum enjoyment out of it during my first read. I hope everyone is nice and avoids spoilers over the next few months….

Do you follow him on Twitter? He posts a lot of general reactions to books he read during the week. Sometimes you can gauge from there, and other times he outright states "Oh man I can't wait to cover this in Big Issues this week."

Channel Zero: The Complete Collection - I read part of this before, but it was interesting to revisit this very first work by Brian Wood. I remember digging his art style in this and the earlier issues of DMZ, but upon revisiting it’s definitely more “art school” and low-fi than I remember, which is appropriate


I usually don't mind variants, but this "repurposing old artwork" business is complete junk. I got excited to hear there's a new Todd MacFarlane Spider-Man cover, but it's actually over 30 years old!

Sounds a lot like Incognito!

Two things:

I'll just add two things: