Team Zissou

Being negative is okay and disagreeing is perfectly fine. The general rule around here seems to be "Don't be an asshole about it" and I like that.

I don't want to get too far into semantics and sides-choosing here, but I believe it was because he "liked" a tweet from Dan Slott that seemed to be bullying a famous comics journalist. That was the one main harassment-related thing I've seen come up for him when I looked it up in the past. Take from that what you

Truly the low point of the first movie for me. It's way worse than the final shot of the movie. The Ouija board just blows itself up and the strangest thing is that no one really mentions it again afterwards. Somehow Micah still acts resistant to the whole "ghost" thing. That idiot.

While most horror plots are driven by how stupid the characters can act in a threatening situation, for some reason it really worked in the original Paranormal Activity. Micah is such a selfish, inconsiderate bro that you can easily imagine in real life. He has a typical bully mentality and you see it in the way he

The deaths of the two main villains alone were enough to make me and my wife stand up and start cheering. What an awesome mini-season.

Great! I put you down. You've got plenty of time. Looking forward to what you decide.

Got it! Oooo can't wait. I'll get to a JiM re-read one of these days. I'm disappointed I own the earlier trades that don't include the Siege: Loki one-shot by Gillen/McKelvie since it sets up many pivotal elements in the run.

Awesome! Signed you up =)

I think those issues are technically Amazing Fantasy #16 and #17 or whatever, which later led to the launch of Untold Tales. They're just grouped together for the collections. Ron Frenz's art on the main book is surprisingly strong though. I never considered myself a fan before but he nails the look on these classic

I always enjoyed it too, but was a little disappointed of how it became the B-list X-Men title once Bendis took over the other two main titles. The early Chris Bachalo issues were fun and balanced the tone quite well. Although I like Nick Bradshaw's work, the tone slipped into too overtly cartoonish a few times for my


Awesome! I just put you down for February 3, in an attempt to keep all of the volunteered entries close together so far. Let me know if you need a change in the date later.

The dumpster fakeout is even dumber when you realize how many TV fans sought out comic spoilers after that moment happened on the show. People at work would ask me, "Did Glenn just die? Is that how it happened in the comics?" and if I didn't explain it to them then they read about it on the internet. Plus they had the

You can post it as your own thread - the closest to the launch of the Big Issues (usually 10-11 AM on Fridays) is ideal since it can get the most views/comments. If that's difficult to work out, then I'd be happy to post the entry for you on the selected date.

That makes a bit more sense. He's more old school and professional than the other top dogs at the Big Two I've seen in my lifetime as a reader. No surprise that he'd get more upset over what he was seeing over at Marvel's public persona. It was handled with slightly more class in his day.

Always love your questions! It's ok to take a break every now and then.

I'll put you down for 1/13! Plenty of time to decide and start reading =)

Who was the artist? I somehow managed to avoid all this broohaha, aside from seeing a tweet or two about it.

I'm really jealous you got to read Harbinger Wars in trade. It's a really cool story, but when you read them in individual trades for the main series, Bloodshot, and Harbinger (like I did) it makes no sense.

Sure! I'll hold the date for you. You'll have plenty of time to decide. If dates are available, you can always move up too. I'll try to post this regularly as a reminder.