Team Zissou

I can't believe that they're still using "shocking" last page cliffhangers of Magneto revealing himself. It's become so cliche that I actually laughed out loud once I realized it was about to happen. It's especially lost its efficacy because he was already on the Cyclops/Emma team for several years and he's also

I like King's repeated callbacks to famous stories from DC's publishing history. There was that All-Star Superman callback with the Gotham character here, and this issue has that Arkham scene that reuses some key dialogue from a similar scene in The Killing Joke.

I've found that I can't read Squirrel Girl without getting a headache on a train or on a tablet because of that tiny text. I'd feel a little guilty about skipping them for some reason because 1/4 of them end up being funny. I just find them disruptive to the momentum.

Joe Quesada and Bill Jemas talked a lot of shit about DC during their era. They thought that it was good for the industry to have some rivalry going on between the two companies, and they considered the Marvel vs. DC crossover to be the most desperate move the industry ever made. I remember their regular comics

Sweet! Gus claimed that date first. Is there another date you want?

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 3: Squirrel, You Really Got Me Now - Is it me, or do the hidden writer captions at the bottom tend to get annoying after a while? I was surprised because I loved this feature when I started reading the series, but over time I've found them to be overlong and disruptive to the flow of


Oh man, good point. I completely forgot that she originated there. In my head she's one of the Wolverine and the X-Men mainstays because of how prominently she was featured there.

I thought it was good enough at the time, but surprisingly left no impact at all on the X-Men line. That's why it was so quickly forgotten. None of those characters (besides Hope) are ever used outside of background appearances without dialogue. I also didn't think it was nearly as good as Gillen's run on Uncanny

The versatility is neat, for sure, but I could say the same for the Wii U. My biggest concern is this versatility makes it less likely (again) that Nintendo will see many 3rd party developers follow them over, and they'll be left out of multi-console releases.

The number of solo titles makes me a bit suspicious. There were a number of solo X-Men ongoings (Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler) before Secret Wars that turn out to just be sneakily released mini-series, which is about true for most of Marvel's solo books these days.

I am so much more excited about this book than another rendition of the All-New X-Men from the 60's. We haven't had a proper book with other teen X-Men since Generation Hope and Young X-Men.


The most insane thing about Epitaph One is that they wouldn't even air it in the U.S. There was a really bizarre situation where they renewed it for season 2 last minute but couldn't be bothered to air the finale for season 1. It was basically a DVD exclusive. Imagine that! Burying your best episode as a DVD extra.

Oh that book is INCREDIBLE. It's like a branching video game contained inside a book. I've gifted it to a few people who are nerds about math and science.

The developments around Prowler make me more interested in his solo series than I ever expected. It's one of the few titles tying into Clone Conspiracy and I'm following all the others, so I think it at least warrants a look.


A collapse that, ironically enough, heavily involved the X-Men books and their excessive 90's art styles that sold like hotcakes!

Apocalypse himself isn't even that interesting in the comics outside of his one big storyline. He mostly comes off as a generic heavy with undefined powers. The problem is that Singer was TOO faithful to the source on this one.

They lucked out a little bit with the Buffy franchise, whose titles were pretty easy to ignore until everybody realized they'd attract more interest if you put Joss Whedon's name on them.