Team Zissou

I heard Slott talking about it with another guy in line, but he said he made that retcon because he hated Gwen's lack of agency, motivation, or even awareness during her death. The last time you see her awake, she's literally crying over some drama about Peter.

I think it depends on what you're willing to take on. Individual OGNs are probably easiest. Longer runs are probably difficult, but potentially more rewarding. Personally, I think I'll select a single story arc out of some larger run that I really love. It'll give me more to chew on without having to commit to the

Yeah we're not talking something that needs to be worthy of publishing in a journal or anything. More than anything it's an excuse for us fans to revisit something we love and then get others to join in on the conversation or discover something new.

Yeah it took me some time to process and think, "Ok, that's a pretty funny response" and not really dickish. I was reading into it a little too much. I'm filing it away as a positive encounter!

I actually read Avengers Forever several years ago. I really liked it, but it was quite an overwhelming read. I let one of my friends borrow it and he absolutely hated it.

I will say this: I use MU's offline reading option frequently and it only holds 12 issues at a time, so this book gets a LOT of bang for your buck so it's perfect for long flights and trips where you'll be without wi-fi.

Hahaha this was my first one! Most of them are ticketed and won on a lottery. This one was open and took a 90 minute line, so I don't imagine I'll go to many unless I'm feeling really passionate. I'll post any future ones that interest me though!

How'd you read Golden Age? Did you track down an out-of-print trade or did the newest hardcover come out already?

I've seen it marked down at a lot of places, but never that low. The sales surprised me because omnibuses usually sell out of print quickly, like my Uncanny X-Force by Remender omnibus which almost immediately doubled in value. I guess X-Statix was a cult favorite while it was being published and still even has that

I bought the Vertigo one-shot Zatanna: Everyday Magic in a 50% off bin for $2.50 at a Midtown Comics warehouse sale. I looked it up later and saw that it's selling for $40+ on Amazon Marketplace. Woohoo!

Holy crap! That's an amazing deal. I thought I got it for a steal for $45 at a convention a few years ago. It's my favorite series of all time and I still haven't cracked it open yet. The omnibus is beautiful, but its size is a little intimidating. I'm saving it for a rainy day.

Do you use the Kindle Fire as a comics reader? If so, how is it? I lost my iPad on a plane a while ago and now need to find a new tablet. I'm looking for one that's more affordable but can get the job done. I'm using Ms. Zissou's Galaxy tablet but the screen resolution is much worse than the iPad and it hurts my eyes


Oh my gosh! What a surprise haha. Ok I'll write up something now as a separate post. Thanks for holding me accountable.

After a few days have passed since the wedding, I'm feeling the slightest bit bummed out. It was so great to see everyone together in the same room and now I'm sad that I can't get that same combination of people ever again. It makes me appreciate what we did and it feels like the last year of insanity was worth it.

After reading much of Ostrander's run, the Rebirth version of Suicide Squad just felt like a more watered down version of his highly politicized and entertaining storytelling. I passed on it after 2 issues.

Amazing Spider-Man #12-18 - I started enjoying this series a lot more after the book slowed down on the globetrotting and skewed closer to home with the supporting cast. I liked that the regular version of Regent has a different, unique motivation from the Secret Wars version.

When she signed on for Iron Man 3, her character was supposed to be revealed as the villain. Marvel/Ike Perlmutter ultimately vetoed the plot twist because they claimed that no one would buy an action figure for a female villain.

Lone Wolf & Cub

I'm pleasantly surprised that this book is still going, along with the other titles in the Spider-Man line that aren't huge hits. I guess consistent (if middling to low) sales means a lot to Marvel these days. I saw a retailer tweet out about how Solo #1 sold zero copies at his store on its first day. Marvel needs to