Team Zissou

I feel very conflicted about this one.

I remember listening to the entire thing off of Wikipedia and questioning why I was doing so. It's the most horrific thing I've ever heard, and it's quite detailed and gives you the deepest possible look into what life in a cult is like.

It'll go that way if we're lucky, because at least that was followed by Seasons 3-5 of Friday Night Lights.

I'm a pretty casual gamer and the writing quality is generally high whenever I pop into these articles, especially compared to other gaming sites that feel like they are targeting a younger democratic. The comments sections are always thoughtful and civil too.

Because I'm a teacher, it's hard to get that much time off during the year to warrant a huge trip. We're going on a "mini moon" weekend trip in a few days and then we'll plan a real one for the summertime.

WOOOOOoooooooo it's over!

I somehow never got tired of their Edward Furlong impressions, screeching "Mooooom!" and constantly calling people "Terminator" in a whiny voice. I laughed every single time.

I remember reading the announcement: he was one of the first cast members added to Parks & Recreation (after Amy Poehler and maybe Rashida Jones). It made sense to leave the recurring role on Scrubs to take on a series regular part at the ground level.

I haven't read it yet, but had the death spoiled for me and it irritated to me to no end. It reminded me of when Banshee was senselessly killed off in Deadly Genesis just because they wanted to raise the stakes. What bothers me so much about these deaths is that they are not at all rooted in character-based

I think his movies started going downhill once he started giving acting roles to his wife, who always looks out of place. It's great that he thinks she is beautiful and sexy and that he's clearly in love with her, but he tries to sell her in his movies as being so unbelievably hot that it reaches near "Lisa in The Room

That analysis really puts it together for me why Bale's Batman is fine and well done but doesn't completely work. He's hampered by Nolan's signature exposition-y dialogue. You can't really read his internal motivations from scene to scene because he's always stating them out loud. "Maybe I can stop being Batman

Even he's gone through the second option at least 2-3 times by now…

Heyyy everyone! I don't have much time to hang around here today - tomorrow is our wedding and today is the rehearsal - but I just wanted to drop by and say how much I appreciate this community. I've mostly stayed away from posting things online in the past, but everyone here has always been so welcoming and open. I

I'm partial to the episodes that actually dealt with Terminus and its immediate fallout, a.k.a. the final time I allowed myself to be tricked into believing the show had become good.

I jumped off the show after the recent finale, but I can imagine how painful it would be to see that most of the "events" of each individual season could be covered in about 5 minutes - including the entire walk to Terminus that took half of a full season. Or the 1 minute it would take to summarize the "Where's

I've never read Suiciders, but I'm judging this solely based off of his Joker OGN and We Are Robin - a book that someone insanely hired him just for his writing.

Lee Burmejo has one other role he's played in a few comics too. I'll rank them all.

You should probably put on spoiler tags. The show's only been up for less than a week and the article itself doesn't have any spoilers, so innocent bystanders can just stroll on in here!

I'm glad that Bombshell stuck around, but I really miss the rest of the All-New Ultimates team. The period where they were all appearing in Miles' book was the last time I fully enjoyed a story set in the Ultimate universe. In fact, I couldn't help but be distracted by all the changes to Miles' status quo. His

Locke & Key