Team Zissou


You mean the main plot of season 1?

The lack of interior sequential artwork in Jock's book is interesting but not surprising to me. I think he's one of the best modern cover artists we have, whereas his interior work is… pretty solid? I guess what I'm saying is that his cover work has a sense of design and finish that doesn't always come through in his

Hoping that things work out for you on finding a new place, bud. Cons often end up brightening me up quite a bit, giving me a classic feeling that reminds me of going to Disneyland as a child. I haven't heard of FallCon, but hope you can leave behind the worries for just an afternoon and enjoy the vibe over there.

What are you reading this week?

Same here. I've been watching the show in a few extended viewing sessions and the reading the articles afterwards. It's super crappy to see things that are leaving me unable to read any more comments until the season is finished. I started to notice it on the article for the last episode (8 out of 13).

His entire reaction around Tone stupidly shooting up Pop's barber shop is what cemented his character for me. He even warns that idiot ahead of time not to go in shooting. Then afterwards, he keeps going "You shouldn't have done that" and is just waiting for Cottonmouth to dole out punishment.

Yeah, I don't think they quite redeemed him for killing Chico. Misty didn't even get to find out quite HOW big of a P.O.S. her partner was, which surprised me given that the detectives were brought into the plot because of Chico in the first place.

Living in NYC and understanding how old that apartment building was, I assume that Luke Cage should be perishing around season 3 from all the asbestos he inhaled this episode. Unbreakable skin can't help you there!

The strange thing about the last third of the movie is that it becomes very sidekick-y with a lot of characters who sort of blend together and don't do anything unique. They just go through one ridiculous situation after the next. I suddenly felt like I was watching a bad Saturday morning CGI cartoon with thin

Comic shops unfortunately aren't always the most welcoming places. Newcomers get it the worst because they have to deal with a lot of snark elitism from the employees. From hearing your experiences, working with them often leads to the same kinds of negative interactions. I think a lot of it has to do with comic book

The main character arc is wrapped up and basically all the characters are dead, so there was enough resolution for me.

I quickly lost interest in Nightwing because I felt it was quite a big drop in quality from Grayson. I'm going to skip the Monster Men crossover entirely. Batman even ended with a teaser for the next storyline that starts right after it, with only a "Hey check out Night of the Monster Men!" mention at the bottom that

idealized multicultural Canadian resistance force

This week has been craaaaaaaaaazy. On top of wedding stuff (ONE MORE WEEK), work has been really hectic but in a way that is ultimately good. Curriculum Night meant an extra long night at school, plus trying to plan for my days off for next week.

We Stand On Guard - It was really satisfying to see Vaughan on a shorter work again, working outside his usual epics and instead banging out an almost purely action story with a near-comically heightened political backdrop. The premise of this book honestly feels like something he wrote on a dare: "what if the U.S.

International Iron Man is actually not bad!

I always felt like the "Doom was behind it all along!" retcon never really stuck with readers because

It's definitely continuing since it's one of their few breakout characters in recent years. I'm not interested in reading it anymore though unless they change writers, so we're basically in the same boat!

Say what you will about the original Civil War, Axis, and Original Sin, but they at least had interesting premises that felt fresh and warranted a big crossover book.