Team Zissou

I wish that Bendis had made like all of Marvel's other A-list writers and left the company to focus on independent work after his creative peak on superheroes had passed. I'm not sure when that would have been.

Is that run worth checking out? I'm a fan of Jason Aaron, but it seemed like they quickly brushed his Hulk run under the rug to make way for Marvel Now! (I'm not shouting that sentence, it's just how it's written)

I was about to use the exact same example. All of the artists pretty much fit their chapters perfectly and most of the issues have big time jumps anyway, so it matches the pacing.

I legitimately enjoyed Ollie's first doomed battle with Ra's and the arc that followed Team Arrow trying to protect the city while he was gone. There were actual stakes and Laurel finally became a decent character.

It's one of the most hilarious and inaccurate tropes on tv, along with CPR as a magical procedure that saves lives instead of merely prolonging them until actual medical help can arrive.

Scott Snyder also just reintroduced him in All-Star Batman with quite a big entrance. It's like DC is giving him the big push to be the next Deathstroke or something.

Nicholson is so hammy in this movie that I spent most of the time feeling embarrassed for him instead of fearing him.

I'm going to take you seriously on this one and make sure my hotel room is stocked with Pocky sticks and Yan Yan snacks.

When I was a kid, we didn't have much money and so we ended up reusing the same costumes a lot. Usually they were made of plastic and looked cheap.

Scenes from an Impending Marriage by Adrian Tomine is a similar delight. I dig his style, but it was really refreshing to see him tackle something lighter with a comic strip style.

CONGRATS Caitlin!!!

It was really exciting to see him deny statements he made in the past and then seeing his team try to delete the tweets as fast as they could. This being the internet, of course it didn't work and made him look even worse.

I remember hearing you say how much you loved it. I thought it was great, though it needed to sit with me a while because it didn't leave me feeling I was at my happiest after reading it.

I'm also bummed that we don't have the great Tim/Connor friendship from the old continuity. Tim's desolation around Connor's death followed by their eventual reunion was one of the highlights of the Teen Titans characters during that era. This could have been a nice reversal, but instead Tim is being mourned by… Beast

It's debatable which one is worse to read in public. Bitch Planet makes you look like some kind of pervert even though none of it is really meant to be titillating. Saga's "adult" sections are so demented and outlandish, you look like you have a really bizarre fetish.

It's certainly the rare Absolute Edition that would warrant the size.

I thought the first volume of Ostrander's Suicide Squad was okay, but then the second volume elevated the quality and it's remained there since. The funny thing about reading old comic runs is that there are a lot of tie-ins to events I'm unfamiliar with. I've heard of "Invasion!" before, for example, but I'd be

I'll hop on with that! I'm having a hard time hopping on with the older classics because (1) I already own them and (2) I haven't read them for years and they're actually at my parents' house thousands of miles away. If I want to get something from the library, I'd rather read a new book.

Infinity unfortunately is meant to be a "middle chapter" in the larger epic Hickman run. I think Marvel should learn that it just doesn't work to package one slice of a large run as a standalone event. If you should feel cheated by anyone there, it's the editors.

I definitely plan to get to NTT in the near future. How's the writing hold up? 80s titles can get a little dicey with the exposition and wordiness, but my Suicide Squad catch-up has been going well so far. I still struggle with peak Claremont though.