Team Zissou

Iron Man became the biggest villain in the 616 after the original Civil War too. He basically appeared in every ongoing title just so the protagonists could tell him off for being such a big jerk!

Just like how I'm glad McNiven got to finish Civil War. It certainly paid off for Marvel because that's become their highest-selling tpb.

I consistently enjoy Perez because of his ability to cram so many distinct characters on the page. COIE is basically the quintessential event book because of that.

I enjoy both because they're not the most flashy or highest shelf artists, but they're VERY consistent and you can actually expect them to complete a story arc. Many events end up looking like a mishmash of different art styles these days because the top name talent can't churn pages out quickly enough.

The most perplexing thing about the main Civil War II book is that none of the sides make any sense and you don't understand where the conflict is between characters, besides Tony and Carol (who is mostly acting like a maniac).

Possibly the worst weekly series we've gotten so far. Actually I didn't read Countdown to Final Crisis, but each review I read made it sound like torture.

Who are your favorite artists on event books?

Not to mention the waste of beautiful interior work from JG Jones (and Doug Mahnke!). Jones so rarely does work outside of covers that it's a real shame he's only drawn one event and it had to be THAT one.

The dropping of the "She-" in her name is definitely eyeroll-inducing, given the recent context of diversifying big name characters with new leads. People raised their eyebrows at Jane Foster using the title Thor, but at least she has the name that's on the cover! We can't say the same for Riri Williams, who won't

Old Man Logan is underrated! It's significantly better than Lemire's other X-book and I think it's an improvement on his work with Sorrentino on Green Arrow. The central character and his POW are just so well defined. It's a shame that in other books (including Extraordinary) he comes off as basically a nondescript

I've gone each of the previous years I've lived in NYC, but this year I'm unfortunately out that weekend. Enjoy it for meeeeeee! I love that con.

Suicide Squad Vol. 3: Rogues - I feel like I'm out of things to say on this book already. All I can add is that I'm really frustrated the library doesn't have the next one yet. I gotta get my fix!

Remakes of old Western movies have turned out pretty good in recent enough times, actually. At least that's what I think when I remember True Grit and 3:10 to Yuma.

Always my default selection.

Your argument is actually sound and fits the source material better than I originally assumed, and is the type of thing I'd rather be hearing from the producers on this beast. I apologize for the snark!

As a fan of Teller's work in this movie and the Spectacular Now, I was cautiously optimistic when they cast him to play a younger version of Reed Richards. Although the problems with that film are well documented, I was most shocked by how Teller came off so bland and flat as a young genius. By comparison, Michael B.

And if they went back in time and made her born with Japanese heritage too. That would be nice, but I think Lost in Translation and the MCU would become a lot more confusing…

I think that people in Asian countries don't feel invested in whitewashing because they are so used to seeing people who look like them in their own movies. They're not particularly concerned about the plight of Asian Americans because representation is pretty far removed from them as an issue. I don't think "The

I'm not sure how the rights got split up, but Valiant doesn't have access to all their old titles anymore. Solar is over at Dynamite, for example, which might indicate why the recent tpb was underwhelming for you. The newer Valiant books are pretty solid, with Harbinger being my favorite.

I've noticed that the participants in the comics threads vary a LOT depending on how accessible or curious the titles tend to be. If this were a preview for Titans #3 or whatever, there wouldn't be many comments besides by us diehards.