Team Zissou

I honestly didn't even see it until before I went to bed! It's a shame that Comics Panel and Big Issues often get buried next to the numerous GJI and Watch This posts. I have a hard time commenting on weekdays but I always make a lunchtime AV Club appointment for Fridays.

Waiting for the trade, but I'm looking forward to it. I love Van Lente's writing plus the Psiot books have all been winners so far.

It's kind of amazing that Gail Simone and Matt Fraction were writing weekly columns when I started visiting CBR. Any other high profile creators I'm missing?

Plus we're in the era where almost nothing* gets cancelled as long as there's a consistent audience watching.

I bought it recently on eBay and it's going for pretty cheap. I got the whole series for $13 after shipping.

What did Kevin Smith buy? I'm genuinely curious.

The Sixth Day - the Arnold Schwarzenegger clone movie - has got the best version of this, displaying a future in which the XFL has become America's favorite sport.

Manapul is one of DC's best artists (if not THE best). Manapul is also one of their most mediocre writers.

Lost is my favorite show because no serialized drama has compared as far as appointment television — perhaps only GoT comes close in terms of how important it is to keep up with the air dates in order to stay in the convo and not get spoiled.

She was also great in Bowfinger, but somehow bad in Austin Powers 2 around the same time. Basically seems like she can be really good under the right direction, which still puts her ahead of the likes of Jessica Alba.

The dumb fun is enhanced if you pretend that the pilot is played by Joey Tribianni instead of Matt LeBlanc. When you look at it that way, it's not that far removed from Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.

I vaguely remember the movie ending with the ship blasting off into space, with Will Robinson declaring something like, "Here we go again!"

Last season introduced a TV-ready version of the Secret Warriors, who ended up being so entertaining and sparingly used that I wished they just killed the entire main cast and replaced them with those characters instead.

It feels really different to have grown up watching him act in almost all* of the child acting roles in the 80's. I don't think people born after can consider how steep of a drop it was. He really had that "wiseass, cute kid" thing down pat. Seeing him in Stand By Me has always creeped me out a little because of how

It sounds like Kerschl came back with the recent Rebirth relaunch, but that means I'd have to stomach a lot of issues of fill-ins just to get to that point. I also found that my enjoyment significantly dropped on the issues that he didn't draw. Eventually it just starts to feel like an abusive relationship that you

I'm frustrated that this aspect of Batman's character has mostly been ignored in the numerous adaptations outside of Batman: TAS. I want my Bat-Family on the big screen, god damn it!

Nothing's wrong with any of his premises. It's just how downright ugly and misanthropic he has to make all the characters in the worlds he builds. Deadly Class and Tokyo Ghost are probably the two standout titles for me, but in both cases I wish he had handed off those concepts to someone who hated humans less.

I didn't care about Ditko when I first saw historical pictures from his early Spidey work, but once I read the actual issues - holy CRAP. He instantly became one of my top artists ever. Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 is one of the highlights for me — particularly the way he drew a splash page for the moment Spidey

He works with stellar artists and he's got a really distinct voice and point of view. Unfortunately, that worldview is quite toxic and makes me feel really bad after reading anything he's done.

It's really astonishing to hold that book next to Hush. They're so similar in structure and premise, but one so clearly works and the other flat out doesn't. Though they both blow it big time with the reveal at the end and pull the same narrative cheats.