Team Zissou


I've loved every comic I've read by Gerard Way thus far, which only includes the (GREAT) second volume of Umbrella Academy on top of what you've covered. The third volume is killing me with this wait!

There's a director's cut? I know that there was some pretty public feuding between Leterrier/Norton and Marvel Studios over the longer cut but I didn't think it ever saw the light of day. I remember seeing the deleted opening scene but not in an actual cut.

He mostly has lucked out by picking really cool electronic artists. Daft Punk and M83 scoring music sounds like such a no brainer. It's definitely something studios see as a risk though, so he does earn respect for that.

I often listen to the How To Train Your Dragon while doing some work. Planning meetings is a lot more glorious when you can imagine yourself soaring through the clouds on a dragon.

I actually love the theme from the Dark Knight trilogy, but that might be more for how they saved it for all the iconic scenes to get your blood boiling at all the right moments.

It makes sense that the explanation was added in afterwards. I remember reading an interview with Heather Donohue where she stated she didn't know that Mike would be standing in the corner. She initially wasn't sure if she should include him in the shot but then decided it was unavoidable. It sounds like something the

Part of me wishes we lived in the alternate timeline where Marvel didn't can Matt Fraction from the title.

This is one of my favorite arguments for why the X-Men are awesome and the Inhumans are terrible. Writers have spun gold out of the C-list X-teams in the past (PAD's X-Factor, Wells' New Mutants, Remenders' Uncanny X-Force), but only one writer has managed to make the BEST Inhumans compelling protagonists (Paul

Dude has the greatest voice. I have an unhealthy appreciation for Halo 2 just because of how much more I enjoyed playing the Arbiter over Master Chief and it was all due to that voice.

The most confusing thing is the ongoing pairing of her with Saracen, who by the end of the show feels so real and lived-in that I could have sworn I grew up with him. Compare that to Julie who is much more unknowable, but again that could be close to real life because people you love often end up with partners who you

I work at a public school with a predominantly African American and Latino student population. All the teachers are so excited for this movie. I really hope it turns out good because we're definitely planning a field trip in January and hoping to have some meaty conversations afterwards.

I remember being generally disturbed by the houses I traveled through in that game, but I kinda wish I stopped to look more closely at the details a little. There were several locations that essentially told a short story in what we saw was remaining. I may have missed some because they usually bummed me out too much

I actually never read the original Valiant universe at all. How was Aric different before?

One of the most hilarious retcons I can remember.

The first two LOEG books were incredible! I enjoyed them so much. I couldn't believe how much of a dropoff there was between Vol. 2 and Black Dossier.

You're right. There was some talk about Coward but it wasn't with Cruise. I got my development hell Brubaker projects mixed up.

His output is so huge that I feel like I'll still be discovering his amazing works for a very long time. My "unread" list still includes Promethea, Tom Strong, Lost Girls, Supreme, Nemo, and PLENTY of other books.

I really appreciate how, so far, the extreme actions of the Unity group have been justified by the threats they've faced. They're going up against Justice League-sized conflicts without a similar power set (aside from Aric, who's only there half the time).

I'd like to see Morning Glories because it's basically already a combination of TV's LOST with CW teenage dramas, a.k.a. two of my favorite things.