Team Zissou

Me too. I'm sad I'm missing out on the supplemental material that actually seems important. Maybe Rucka will release them in their own trade one day if we whine at him enough.

Started the new school year yesterday and thankfully I still have a free teaching period after lunch so I can post here!!!! Woohoo!

The Tick pilot is ok but shows a lot of promise. It's unique and I'd watch it if it got picked up.

Did you see Shocker in the new ASM set photos? Bokeem Woodbine's done excellent TV before…

I know the first volume Coward was in development with Tom Cruise a few years ago. I assume that fell through though.

It is indeed weird. I remember when John Byrne updated Spidey's origin with minor details, such as Uncle Ben buying Peter a PC instead of a microscope. Today it'd probably be an iPad.

I think I read that Bleeding Cool that they're phasing out the line, so they're clearing their inventory and were selling them to retailers at a significant discount, which is probably why we're seeing so many clearances at stores. They did the same thing with most of the Essential books recently.

I loved the Amazing Spider-Man: Family Values one. It's not very consequential, but it's a fun spy adventure for Spider-Man with some really incredible painted artwork. I'm happy I have the hardcover on my shelf because it's very cool.

I read it! Only in trades though, which usually means I'm months behind on the conversation…

Mike Wieringo was the first artist who I followed regularly as a fan. He had a website where he did daily sketches and each one was AMAZING. I remember how upsetting it was when we heard about his sudden death in spite of a healthy lifestyle. My fiancee recently read Waid/Wieringo's FF and she fell in love with the

Jughead Vol. 1 - A real fun book that distinguishes itself from the main Archie reboot title by committing to a parody of a new genre in each issue. My only complaint is that the characters (besides Jughead himself) didn't line up with the versions in Waid's book and felt off model as a result.

The future-set scenes in Terminator and T2 are so friggin cool. I spent a lot of my childhood imagining an entire movie set in that time, but even back then I understood technological and budgetary restrictions. There's a good reason why a significantly larger portion of the T2 arcade game is set in the future.

No one's arguing that he's good or not good in those rules (Hint: He's great). It's more that he doesn't have much financial success as a leading man. Of the movies you mentioned, only Snowpiercer did surprisingly well because it was basically banished to VoD by a naive studio. Sunshine and Scott Pilgrim are

He started on TV with Family Ties before filming BttF concurrently with one of the later seasons, so technically he's one of the first to go back to TV after finding success in movies. It was still a rare move, since movie actors tending to look down on TV during that era.

My recent "favorite" example of this kind of tanking is Wish I Was Here. Braff claims he had to go outside the studio system because he didn't want to take notes…. on THAT?

Except it inflated Bill Lawrence's confidence in swapping out lead actors on a show, so his hubris eventually cursed us with Scrubs season 9.

That's not even their worst and most ubiquitous song! Oh no… Don't say it… It's already infecting its way back into my head…

I would rather rewatch this movie over any Woody Allen film. And I had this opinion even before the creepy real life accusations entered the picture!

Aside from Richard Starkings and Comicraft, the only name I've honestly noticed and tracked is Todd Klein. His prints on his website are amazing. I want to get the Mark Buckingham one when I buy a house.

I remember how much I was enjoying his Flash series at the start of the New 52, but then I started seeing the holes in the writing after I saw their first fill-in artist drawing over his layouts. He writes amazing sequences for himself to draw, but they're not really useful for anything else.