Team Zissou

I recently finished the Roger Stern Amazing Spider-Man omnibus and the included letters pages were often adorable. Every artist, including Marie Severan, would get gushing letters praising their talents. After the Hobgoblin mystery started, each subsequent issues would get an increasing number of letters from readers

They've never included it before, but I would love it if DC started using recap pages. I love them and I find them almost essential for reading monthly comics sometimes, which can be confusing when you're reading multiple books every week and taking month-long breaks between issues. That was especially confusing for

The Shooter-era runs have such a distinct quality that you can place them apart from other periods in Marvel history. That's such a rare feat and quite an impressive scope of vision.

A part of me still can't believe it's happening. Way has been so rare in his comic book work, and not just anchoring a single book but an entire line? This sounds so amazing yet I'm still preparing myself just in case he only sticks around as writer for a few issues.

PAD's learned to hopped on to any crossover in order to keep his books afloat.

The mass exodus around that time was really apparent on the page, as most books converged toward the same bland, dark House Style in its artwork and storytelling. It became so much that even people like Rob Liefeld were passing on a paid job and instead talking shit about the company.

I agree with you about New 52 Justice League being the only book that felt like it was trying to maintain a continuity. Even books in the same line felt like they were happening in different universes, such as Tomasi's Batman & Robin and Snyder's Batman.

I really liked the actual Secret Warriors, but I feel like I didn't even get enough of them in the Secret Warriors comic book!

For real????? Ugggh I've been holding out for a giant hardcover collecting it all.

I got a sketch from him once. I noticed he was giving the same Thor face sketch to everyone he asked. It was well practiced and he did it in 15 seconds, but by golly it certainly looked like a Walt Simonson Thor!

I, too, often look at the comment tally and whimper, knowing how much time is going to pass.

Also, yeah I'll keep reading! It's a little inconsistent so far - they're entertaining on average but some issues are certainly better than others. I'm borrowing them from the library, so I'll just keep requesting copies of subsequent volumes. (That's how I dealt with the price issue)

Haha! I strangely understand the anxiety about enjoying a book with too many volumes while getting nervous about the price. My brother once gave me Absolute Sandman Vol. 1 as a Christmas gift. I was so not ready to spend $400 more dollars for the rest of the series, I didn't even end up reading it!

You should also check out Imperium because there's a story arc that picks up right from where Divinity left off. Not only that, but it's also a great book!

How long do they intend to run the book for? I've been holding out for until it's finished because that's my preferred way of reading Hickman in particular. I'm starting to get antsy and those Year One editions look so beautiful.

How long did you stick around Saga for? I appreciated the bits and pieces we've gotten to understand about the different characters and culture in that book (The Will, Robot Kingdom, even the soap opera world). Each volume feels like they're exploring a different part of the galaxy. It's very similar to Y in

What'd you read this week?

She got to make a terrible joke after making out with a hot dude while standing on the ashy remains of hundreds of thousands of people. That's one of the ballsiest character moves of all time!

It still feels pretty open, with Clint, Kate, and Lucky all still hanging around in the apartment complex together. The main threat has been taken care of, but there's not too much that's different from the original status quo. The ball was left for someone else to run with. It's too bad Lemire dropped it.

Matt Fraction has been writing blog entries where he reflects on his entire career doing work-for-hire and I can't wait for him to get to Fear Itself. It's a bit of a mess (like most events are) and certain plot points feel muddy, but I'd choose it any day over AXIS or Original Sin. The Stuart Immonen artwork goes a