Team Zissou

I have an easy time looking at James Robinson as a creator who peaked during another era. Most comic creators have a hard time maintaining the same quality level over their entire careers. A lot of this is due to shifting styles and tastes. Only a few mainstream writers are able to adapt and continue seeing success.

Rat Queens Vol. 1 & 2 - Sometimes you read a series and it's just as good as hyped. The art is a lot better than I expected, which unfortunately makes me queasy knowing what was going on behind the scenes. The fight choreography in particular is a stand-out so far.

It's not necessarily the profanity, but just the observation that there tend to be more cooks involved when the budget is higher. The bigger budget tends to go towards the more family friendly projects because they want to chase the bigger audience. The creators' instincts get filtered through studio notes and results

"Michael B. Jordan!"

They already used the Mist in one of their first episodes too. It was pretty much a waste. Grant Gustin running away from a cloud, etc.

I'd be really surprised if they bring Mar-Vell into the MCU canon. He always seemed like a character who was never that interesting outside of his very famous death and has served much better as an iconic legacy title for better characters to derive themselves from (Carol, Genis, Phyla-Vell).

I also liked the issue where young, frat bro Thor gets a new drinking buddy in the form of an equally young and brash dragon, then he has to put him down at the end.

It's in the high 90's this weekend - 96 on Saturday! Plus chance of thunderstorms all weekend. It's going to be a lot of fun around here.

What's the audience reaction like? Are they sucking up at every opportunity and praising the film? Or do they politely avoid the subject since Smith insists you shouldn't take the movie seriously?

Get Him to the Greek is a mostly hilarious party movie up until the last act where it takes a left field turn towards sentimentality. Most of the films get a little too serious at the end, but that one had the most jarring transition.

What's it like being in that room? I've been to Smith talks and they're mostly filled with diehards, but I've never gone to any screenings of his disasterpieces that he hosted. Is it kind of unnerving to agree with the lone voice of dissent? To be one of the only people in the room with taste?

That tone was right there from the beginning. I remember the cold open showed the girls getting the "Money. Dick. Power." tattoos and then having a party that climaxed with Rachel having sex doggy style with a random character we hadn't met. Cue "UnREAL" opening title card.

Though that sounds like a great experience, it really exposes the problem: the title is so generic, you don't even get a hint of the unique and exciting the movie it turns out to be.

Always a pleasure BS-ing with you guys.

The remaining 1/3 was mostly vacant smiles and rehearsed Stepford laughs.

I saw him at a Colbert taping last week, promoting Suicide Squad.

The much-hyped body horror angle was the most interesting thing about it, but ultimately amounted to roughly 10 minutes of screen time. I wanted to watch the rest of THAT movie, not the weirdly jokey Avengers lite they opted for the theatrical ending.

I read Lepore's book and also saw her do a book talk for a group of teachers. Definitely crush-worthy author, in an older AP English teacher kind of way.

The scripting in the first Gotham Academy issues were so muddled. I often found myself not understanding what was driving the plot and the cliffhangers would land with a complete thud because they were executed so poorly. I think I only held on because I like the book's premise and I wanted to vote with my dollars on

To be completely honest, I didn't even notice until you just mentioned it right now. I had to flip through my library copy just to confirm. I guess that's a good thing because all the characters are pretty much on-model. Comparing the two, Sarin's style is a lot cleaner with simpler backgrounds, though I prefer