Team Zissou

I thought the Ghost Rider series was okay. The artwork was generally the highlight for me, since the plot was pretty basic as far as these things go. I suggest checking out the Secret Wars Ghost Racers mini-series that followed the main series too. Pretty inventive use of the mythology, plus it's by the same writer.


Remember how much goodwill he had built as a shoo-in leading up to the Oscars in 2016? Dude is gonna need a Justin Bieber style apology tour to recover from this one.

Seriously, what sort of jackass goes full method for a cameo in a third rate superhero movie?

Because Pacey Witter needs a DAD!

Yeah, they're all considered the same character under that copyright. Say goodbye to Iron Lad from your Young Avengers as well!

Luckily (and unfortunately) it's been a pretty easy summer to skip going to the movies.

Another random name reference in the MCU: the ship in GotG is named Milano, after Star-Lord's childhood crush from Who's the Boss?.

I think the Howard/Cheadle recasting only "worked" because Howard was only in one film, so we basically got used to Cheadle over time. I remember reading a lot of complaints about the change when Iron Man 2 came out, which included some accusations of how it's racist to recast with a completely different looking actor

I work with a lot of young teachers, so there's a real competitive FOMO culture when it comes to traveling during our scheduled breaks. It's not really healthy.

From what I understand, he's over at Fox because Rama-Tut first appeared in Fantastic Four. It's a shame because Kang is probably my favorite Avengers villain.

Her name was Betty. There was an obscure sideways reference to her in Age of Ultron. (Stark's Hulkbuster armor is named Veronica)

I was in Europe, spending most of my time in Germany. I was there for a work conference that ended up being pretty weak, but I made travel arrangements beforehand and had a nice trip with my fiancee.

There's also Tim Blake Nelson's The Leader running around. Wait for the mid-credits reveal that he's been pulling the strings all along!

And the complaints about movies having the "same look" is the equivalent of hiring artists who fit the House Style. The dark, Snyder-filtered look of the DCEU isn't too dissimilar from the New 52's line-up of interchangeable Jim Lee knockoffs.

It sounds like a real mess, so I'm planning to do the same thing I did with Batman v. Superman and wait until I see it on an airplane.

I think you're getting confused.

My bigger concern has been: how many of these superhero universes are going to be able to release movies concurrently without toppling over the whole thing? Marvel's path to releasing their 13th film was made easier by the fact that the marketplace was a lot more open before. Soon enough, we'll have the following,

Given all of Chris Evans' previous talk of retiring from acting once his Marvel contract was up, I spent years wondering what was going to happen at the end of the Civil War movie. I expected that he'd pass on the shield to either Bucky or Sam and that he would either die or go into hiding, only to make a surprise

Looking at that list makes me really wish there was a DC Unlimited…