Team Zissou

HI ASA! =)

Chew was really great for the first few trades, but I got tired of its sameness over time. It was fun for a romp, but I just couldn't get invested in the larger story and the dramatic shades didn't really work for me. I stopped buying it, but from time to time I'll borrow the latest stack of trades from a friend.

I've been back from my summer vacation for a few days and it's been really nice. I have about one more full week of summer break left before reporting back for teaching duties.

A few weeks back, there was a thread where people were writing out the number of Image books they were buying regularly. It was pretty surprising to see, and it made me curious about my purchasing habits compared to others. I thought it'd be fun to get a sense of whether or not I'm overdoing it these days. So, out of

I wish the Shade maxi series had been released before the New 52. It doesn't seem to involve any of the new continuity and is deliberately meant to be a continuation of the Starman universe, so DC failed to promote it in spite of the shockingly deep bench of artistic talent behind it. I remember there were concerns it


I tend to still get involved in discussions throughout the first day of posting by checking in every once in a while. Then the discussion usually moves on to the next day's article. With Big Issues, I sometimes check in during the weekend too.

Descender Vol. 2: Machine Moon - I'm enjoying the world building and expansion of characters in this series, though I don't think a lot happened in these issues. Still loving the Dustin Nguyen painted art though. There's nothing quite like it on the shelves.

It also might help to choose something that's easily accessible digitally, like a title that's on Marvel Unlimited.

How about Persepolis? I've never read it and it's available at most libraries, including the school I work at.

I think you're right. It made me think up a lot of those student X-Men teams and wonder if any of them actually used their book titles. The closest I could think up was the New X-Men: Academy X era, where there were squads named New Mutants, Hellions, Corsairs, etc. Paradoxically, I have no idea how they even came up

"Edgar Wright, who directed Kendrick in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World"

I went to a Colbert taping yesterday and the 2nd guest was Scott Eastwood, which conveniently coincided with this news.

The F/X version actually leaked and was terrible? Oh man, what a letdown. This series (and Gotham Central) have such no brainier TV premises that I can't believe no one has been able to make anything worthwhile out of them.

The first scene had a cop get killed because someone put a super criminal in a jail cell and forgot to close the door all the way. The entire police station with the jail was also about the size of a studio apartment.

It came close to being an FX show that had the potential to be very good. Instead we got whatever this was supposed to be, using what seemed to be a local access television budget.

It pains me that I've never read any of Ostrander's run. DC hasn't really made it easy to get it in an easy format. A few years ago, I got excited when they solicited it in an affordable Showcase Presents format that was eventually cancelled. It seems like they saw more opportunity in selling regular sized trades at

There is absolutely no other reason that Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist are going to form a team called the Defenders. None of them have been affiliated with the name (as far as I know), but it wouldn't really work in-universe to call them then Marvel Knights, which was always more of a brand than

Oh! Here's a recent one. Spider-Gwen is never called that name by anyone. She's just Spider-Woman. Spider-Gwen is a cute name for fans to use, but hilarious in context because it gives away her secret ID.

Were the New Mutants ever identified as such? During the Zeb Wells title where they're adults, they are officially sanctioned as a special team of X-Men without a specific name.