Team Zissou

Hickman's New Avengers was a book about the Illuminati. I don't think they even referred to themselves as Avengers.

I've enjoyed all of the Telltale games I've played, but only after the seasons are completed and usually at a discounted price. I don't have as much time for gaming these days as I'd like, but each episode can be completed in a single session. To me, it's worth it just to avoid having to wait between episodes.

I've read reviews describing this game as taking place in a Year 1.5-ish era of the Batman mythology. One thing I'm wondering is why most adaptations seem allergic to the Bat Family, which is one of the best components of the ongoing comics. Outside of BTAS and a few nods in the Arkham series, Batman is predominantly


What store is this? NYC area?

Seconded. You've made me happy with a lot of my purchasing decisions, @024anaujiraM:disqus . Paper Girls being the most recent.

Finished the Incredible Hercules run with Chaos War and the short-lived Herc series where he is depowered and using mythical weapons to fight crime in Brooklyn.

I've only really had luck with selling trades. With back issues, I basically write them off and just try to give them away. It helps being a teacher because I can often get them into the hands of kids who love superheroes but don't read comics. But really, I've gone to different lengths to try and get them somewhere

Forbidden Planet in the East Village is a pretty cool store that holds up against the Midtown Comics chains. It's right next to the Strand too - a huge book store with a solid tpb section.

I picked up the Robin: Reborn trade a while back. The badly dated racial elements definitely made an impact on the reading experience, but it was good to finally read those Alan Grant stories that were always referred to as seminal Tim Drake moments. In terms of basic storytelling, they held up better than I expected.

Oh I really want to hear your thoughts on the film. I'm really curious to see how it turns out. The narrative of MCU vs. DCU is getting so interesting. The big hope is that they'll be able to pull themselves out of the fire by essentially making GotG as the third movie in their universe. I haven't gone as far as to

Damon recently did an AMA where someone asked him who his favorite actor was and he said Casey Affleck. He talked about what it's been like to see him grow as an actor because they've known each other since childhood.

Damon had two pretty embarrassing controversies in the last year with mansplaining diversity to a black woman and suggesting that gay actors should stay in the closet.

I'm used to blowing a full hour on Fridays as well. I could only do it so much this past year because my teaching schedule worked conveniently with the time the articles got posted. Hopefully next year's schedule lines up.

I actually never saw The Croods and didn't even hear about it until HTTYD2 came out, while wondering, "Hey where did Chris Sanders go?" I might still check it out since it seems to be the franchise he's sticking with moving forward.

HTTYD is by far my favorite CGI animated film. The sequel is good but a bit of a step down, which I've always attributed to Sanders walking away from the series.

This movie in particular has watercolor backgrounds with animation cell characters on top of it, which gives it a very distinct and beautiful look.

The comic has a pretty good premise - "What if the villains defeated all the superheroes and then brainwashed society into forgetting they exist?" - that just devolves into a lot of ugly characters and storytelling.

I had the same problem with the first KA movie: it completely drops its premise in the third act. What starts as a fun premise, "What if superheroes existed in the real world?" ends with a little girl killing a small army of mobsters in a single hallway and our teenage protagonist blasting away the villain with a

Nemesis and Kick-Ass 2 were the ones that pushed me away completely. The KA2 movie thankfully removed the rape, but was somehow an even bigger piece of hot garbage than the comics. Usually it's the other way around with Millar adaptations.