Team Zissou

I'm a bit out of the loop since I'm not attending this year. What's going on? Did they stop selling multi-day passes, like SDCC, and make it a much longer process?

The Ultimates, Wolverine: Enemy of the State, Marvel Knights Spider-Man, and Red Son are my favorite stories he's done. Dude needs an editor, and it made a big difference before he became a Hollywood hitmaker and the stories had to stand for themselves without a second try as a film adaptation. Most of his comic work

Question: What conventions do you regularly attend, or have you attended in the past?

I'm getting near the end of the Pak/Van Lente Incredible Hercules run. The only downside is that Marvel Unlimited gets pretty confusing with the one-shots and mini-series in the tail end of this run, resulting in reading a lot of issues out of order.

Starman is pretty much peak DC for me as well. It is the best use of their deep bench of legacy heroes I've ever read. I haven't read JSA from the beginning, but I should get around to that soon as well.

Horrible Bosses is just one thesaurus away from joining this cinematic universe.

The Stuart Immonen artwork is seriously tempting me to reconsider my informal Millar boycott. Plus Caitlin recommended it! That must mean it passes a few tests. I won't feel like I'm doing social harm by reading it.

The first Divinity story is really unique for a superhero story. The storytelling jumps around in a way that reminds me of Christopher Nolan's early films, plus you throw in the Soviet Union and The Space Race for more craziness. It doesn't quite nail the execution all the way, but it's interesting enough that I'd

Reminds me of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, where you'd often see some nonsense words accompanied by the phrase "Russian stuff?" to really get you into Clint's P.O.V. towards the Russian bros.

A few years ago people had the same idea about AVC's decline on another form of media. It was called the Dissolve :(

Sounds like the same thing happened with Batman The Killing Joke. In that case, Bruce Timm was the producer (albeit a highly influential one).

Franklin Richards restored Clint Barton's hearing* too. If only the entire 90's of comic publishing had such a convenient reset button.

R.I.P. Lance Bannon

I saw this group photo after seeing the Justice League footage and I couldn't understand why it deflated any hopeful expectations I had for the movie. Then I realized it was because that asshole version of Superman appears in the group shot. For a second I was able to forget that he exists.

It's like an even worse version of the "speed lines" New 52 costume designed by Jim Lee.

Hearing that theme play during Wonder Woman's fight in BvS was probably the highlight of that dour movie for me. The wailing guitar solo was so ridiculous and cheesy yet badass that I had to laugh out loud. I laughed again at the end of this trailer once I realized they're actually going to continue using it as her

The "invite all the journalist haters to London" move seemed to be just a preamble to this footage reel. Desperation is already creeping in and it's only been filming for a few months. At least BvS waited until the third trailer to start baiting enough tonal shifts until they could settle on one they hoped audiences

Some beautiful shots here, but I couldn't get past the feeling that we basically already got a remake of this exact story a decade ago. I got some Amazing Spider-Man level concerns about revisiting this origin again so soon.

The prostitute stuff is apparently one of the other "improvements" from the animated movie.

People already didn't like it when Batman was shown having sex with Catwoman at the start of the New 52, for crying out loud. This sort of thing just comes off as tacky instead of edgy or adult or whatever the hell it's supposed to be.