Team Zissou

It was suuuuuper gross because you could see the serious age gap when Barbara is first introduced in Batman TAS. It was easy to ignore because it all happened offscreen between the two series, so we didn't have to mentally scrub our brains from any uncomfortable images.

I don't think he necessarily hates it. From the interviews I remember, he's mostly disappointed in it because it's not really ABOUT anything besides the relationship between Batman and the Joker. It's not a particularly ambitious story, which is why he tends to dismiss it compared to his other famous works.

I tend to agree with that myself. Before the introduction of Harley, Joker always seemed like an asexual being in the comics. The only person he really seems excited about is Batman.

Hey there! Big thanks to you and everyone else with your thoughtful and respectful responses. I find that the casting of Asian Americans in some white parts does make things a bit more interesting. From the sounds of it, the show casts John Cho and Ali Wong in non-Asian parts, which might make it part of some bigger


Jesus wtf. THAT'S the reason it's getting an R rating?!?!?!

I think he appeared in maybe the first issue but they got rid of him and his annoying plotline pretty quickly. I'm not caught up though, so let's hope we're lucky and they don't waste more time on him.

The individual line-ups are looking real lackluster once you go to the actual tour dates. Mostly a bunch of no names this year, disappointingly. Last year most of the shows were headlined by Aziz Ansari and Amy Schumer!

It was actually the last time I could mindlessly enjoy a title written by Mark Millar. It's probably one of his better Marvel works aside from Ultimates because it focuses on being a dumb, propulsive action story and doesn't get into any of his ugly personal tastes. His Marvel Knights Spider-Man is pretty similar too.

He and his wife are also writers on the Daredevil show!

This is a pattern that I hadn't noticed but it's clearer once you've pointed it out. Another example was in Wicked + Divine, where a character was revealed as trans in the second volume and my response was basically "Bwuh- ?" (Though that may be the fault of McKelvie's same-face tendencies).

A Darwyn Cooke Catwoman would have been a sentimental jewel in my collection.

That said friend tried to buy multiple copies of Ms. Marvel #1 so she could give them to her Muslim sisters and cousins. The retailer was a real dick about it and told her she could only buy two. I tried to explain that he might be saving some shelf copies for regular customers since it was a small shop and he needs

I would loooove to get U-Go Girl from Mike Allred. The best character from my favorite run of comics ever.

"Books" have really taken a hit ever since I got on MU. I just can't help trying to get my money's worth!

What's her current relationship/permission around technology use? Could she be occupied with Marvel Unlimited?

I'm still traveling, but there was one book I didn't mention before.

Meeting my fiancée and having a partner who enjoys comics for the first time was a big game changer for me. Certain comics have become a lot more cringeworthy for me and I never realized how alienating the comics world can be to women. One of my best friends is a Muslim woman who has been following the new Ms. Marvel.

Here's a question that's been holding me back from diving into the show.

I've always liked Dunst and the recent season of Fargo reminded me how much talent she has. Plus we don't have enough female directors getting a shot. This is all good news in my book.