Team Zissou

I'm glad I'm not alone in favoring most of the Elected's work over Jenny's solo stuff. We are absolutely in the minority, but I remember my friends and I being surprised that Rabbit Fur Coat got so much positive hype when it seemed that Sun, Sun, Sun's concurrent release exposed Jenny's rather simplistic songwriting

I recently caught it on a plane and thought it was quite a shrug of a film. Like most Coen Bros comedies, it may improve after repeat viewings but I didn't sense that it'll be remembered as fondly as Burn After Reading for example.

X-Statix is possibly my favorite Marvel book of all time. I once told my brother that I want to be buried with my X-Statix comics. Hope you're enjoying!

I'm reading Spidey books around that era and it's a real headache trying to keep things straight. Since I'm not as concerned about continuity, I'm mostly just reading ASM and I figure I'll check out the other titles if they interest me some day. It's only frustrating that they seem to ping pong certain plot threads

Sunspot/Cannonball is my favorite bromance in comics. I'm glad Ewing is adding Sam to his U.S.Avengers lineup. It just didn't feel right having Roberto run a team without him. I hope that Ewing builds on Sam's baby and relationship with Smasher, which was a cute but inconsequential subplot in Hickman's run.

Ivar is one of the best gems from the Valiant universe so far. Definitely worth finishing that series, and you might as well throw in Archer & Armstrong as well since it's by the same team. Quantum & Woody is great too! Ok I'll slow down my recommendations now.

I'm on a train to Munich and I have wifi so I can check Big Issues! This makes me so happy, though I'm late for most of the commenting action.

My only complaint about the series so far is that it's getting repetitive seeing Ollie lose all his money and become "just" a vigilante. Lemire pulled the same move in his opening arc and it's also happened on the tv series, though they just basically ignored the question about where he gets his funding in that

I was surprised that Mantis ended up becoming one of my favorites during the DnA run. I particularly loved the sub-group of telepaths who would laugh at mental in-jokes together.

Hey that's really nice to hear! That's a sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

No one is going to but those Merc books. No big names on writing, art, or characters does not bode well for sales. I don't know what they're thinking. I'm a Van Lente fan though, so his co-writing Slapstick makes me a bit more interested.

As someone who's always enjoyed longer runs on Marvel titles, the relaunches are definitely disrupting the momentum for their continuing books in a bad way. I basically lost track of Aaron's Thor - which I was loving - after the break for Secret Wars.

Thanks for the update! Big Issues is hard to find on Fridays too. I rotate between looking for it on the main page, the Books section, the Big Issues tag, and even Oliver's author section. I find it hiding in a new place almost every time.

I really like the art on that DD book but it feels like it puts a little distance from the characters that doesn't sufficiently come across in the writing. I don't really know much about the sidekick because it I feel like we haven't even gotten a clear picture of his face. I also don't like getting angry, tortured


Teen Titans Earth One Vol. 1 - I thought it was pretty neat to reimagine most of the NTT lineup as having a common origin with a Runaways twist, but I got more and more disappointed as I got closer to the end and realized that there wasn't going to be anything close to a resolution by the end of the graphic novel. The

Any thoughts on Marvel's recently leaked Marvel Now! 2.0 slate?

I feel like it's a pretty well-known and key part of his Hollywood origin story too. He was basically an unknown when he was cast in Thor, and Star Trek 2009 was the main* point of reference people had for him. He's only in one of scene of course, but it's a hell of a memorable one.

It looked significantly better on a VGA. I tried to play using composite cables but I couldn't stomach the look - especially with reading text for that long. I think that mileage will vary slightly depending on what kind of monitor/TV you have. I regret giving away my older flatscreen TV that had VGA hook-ups. My

Doesn't Tony's brother Arno fit that category? He suited up a few times in Gillen's run where he was introduced. It seems everyone has forgotten about the character though.