Team Zissou

He's working on Empress right now, which I'm tempted to check out for the Immonen, but I really don't want to give Mark Millar any more of my money.

Right, I was dismayed when I scrolled through and saw that none of the discussion was about the actual comic, the character, or the publisher. It's all a shame.

Sorry to hear that, man. It didn't sound like it was a good solution based on what you described. Hopefully the right opportunity comes.

He's back already. He wrote the review for the new Avalanches album today.

With my first week of teacher summer break completed, I'm happy that I finally finished Skies of Arcadia on my Dreamcast. This has been a long time coming. As much as I loved my Dreamcast and JRPGs back in the day, I never got around to playing this game. I actually had a copy a decade ago, but lost it due to tragic

I'm a huge fan of the Valiant relaunch and Harbinger was my favorite of all their books so far. I'm not sure if I'll be into this Faith series as much because I'm sure it'll be different in tone. She was great as the comic relief that brought lightness into such a dark book. On her own, I assume she'd be a more

I've been meaning to check it out. One question: does it have a proper ending? I know that there were some publishing issues and that there were some stories that were never completed.

I actually enjoy reading those Batman Earth One books because it's a real outlier in Johns' writing in that he's not just trying to recreate something he read as a young comics fan, but he's really trying to muck around with the mythos.

Do you think we're supposed to handwave these resurrections away and chalk it up to Secret Wars? A lot of crazy stuff happened before the new Earth was formed, including the death of half the Avengers including Odinson in Time Runs Out. Plus a bunch of 616 characters like Thanos, Dr. Strange, and Cyclops technically

The three-times-a-month sales structure of Brand New Day Amazing Spider-Man is fascinating from a historical standpoint.

That Stuart Immonen is a real powerhouse. If you showed me that book for the first time today and told me who drew it, I wouldn't believe you.

The most frustrating thing about DC's continuing reboots is that they retcon their own retcons. I've seen DC go back and forth so many times on the "Did Batman catch Joe Chill?" question that I roll my eyes each time they tinker with the continuity. I have no idea where that particular thread lies right now and I

That's pretty spot on. It's basically Infinite Crisis with Wally West subbed in for Superboy-Prime and instead of punching a continuity wall, it's Dr. Manhattan.

As expected, Alex Meleev is going to be drawing another Iron Man book, called Infamous Iron Man. They haven't formally announced it, but the news sites have pieced it together from retailer posters. Anyway, speculation is that it's going to be a Dr. Doom title, which matches the solicits that pit Riri on one side and

I'm pretty astounded by how long Aaron has dragged out that mystery. The pre-Secret Wars title ended by resolving the big "Who is the female Thor?" question, and Aaron acknowledged that he was going to hold on to the big unworthy one longer.

I know that the reading thread pops up throughout the week, but I like to save mine for Big Issues just so I can maintain my sanity a little bit around posting these things. Plus I like to have one-week reading goals to see how much I can fit in, and the Friday postings of these articles makes it feel like an end of

Not exactly a comic, but I derive a lot of joy from Skottie Young covers these days. I sometimes feel tempted to buy comics I don't particularly want just because of how much I like them. I recently purchased Color Your Own Young Marvel by Skottie Young which I expect to make me very happy in the near future, unless

What did you read this week?

I laughed out loud when Dawn thought the board was named Toomie, simply because Silver Surfer kept shouting "To me, my board!"

It's startling to read earlier Iron Man comics these days and see when his character was less Robert Downey Jr. and more Howard Hughes.