Team Zissou

I recently watched Sisters for the first (and last) time. If someone told you the movie was a silly little throwaway plot about two adult women hosting a party at their house, how long would you say that movie should be? Did you say 2 hours? You liar! No one wants to see that party for that long!

Saddest part: I distinctly recall my brother saying to me one day, "You know that Highlander cartoon we've been watching on Saturday mornings? Well apparently it's based on some movies!"

I remember the movie had a bizarre toy line that consisted of G.I. Joe like figures with a few vehicles. The Egyptian gods were especially cool.

I've thought that every DC animated adaptation I've seen has been a step down from the original. The New Frontier lost all of its epic grandeur in its rush to meet a 90-minute runtime. Even the Alan Moore-approved JLU version of "For the Man Who Has Everything" didn't have the same impact for me. I've been reluctant

I couldn't make it past the first 20 minutes of Justice League vs. Teen Titans, their latest offering. When you compare it to Bruce Timm's Justice League: Gods & Monsters film, you can see the difference when an animated film is actually created by people who give a shit.

I haven't heard anyone mention what's going to happen with the International Iron Man book. I imagine that either Tony continues headlining that book or he disappears after Civil War 2 and the book gets quietly cancelled during the Divided We Stand umbrella of launching new books. It'll go down as another pointless

I loved Powers up until the "Forever" storyline ended. The series pretty much peaked there and has just been wheel spinning ever since.

They've actually adopted a few kids, so it's not just genetic.

Matt Fraction has said that he wanted to name Pepper Potts' armored persona the Iron Maiden but couldn't due to copyright issues. Given there's the Earth X character you mentioned, I'm assuming it was the kind of thing where they could have a character with that name but they couldn't publish a comic with that name if

Do actors audition for shows exclusively based on Emmy categories now? He joined the show during season 3. This recent season was darker than previous ones, but he must have already known the tone of the show.

This reminds me of that time Dan Harmon got fired as showrunner of Community and then they just let him hang around on set and keep working on the show because that is of course a smart thing that people would do in real life.

Of the superhero shows, Legends of Tomorrow is the outright disaster IMO. Arrow at least managed to get 1.5 seasons of exciting television. Legends hasn't even managed to pull off a string of exciting episodes. Every week, I found myself asking, "This shit again?!" as I watched the heroes bumble their way through time

I'm still an Arrow apologist, but season 3's two biggest downfalls were:

I really loved iZombie. I'm such a fan of Allred's artwork that it goes a long way for selling me on a character. As a result, I found myself sympathizing with Gwen a lot.

That's what I suspect too. Plus in the first issue, Bruce explicitly says that Tim will be Kate's lieutenant on the team.

I'm pretty interested, but I'm so over Teen Cyclops. Send the All-New X-Men back! We can keep Jean though.

I remember him most from that episode of Pete & Pete that cut between a bunch of mini plots focusing on side characters. His bus driver character was stuck at a red light for the whole episode and it drove him mad because he wouldn't run the light and break the rules. Eventually the light turned, but he completely ran

I agree with this. I actually just hopped on to the series and binged the entire thing over a week to get caught up after hearing so much hype about it. I imagine there are some viewers who might have caught a stray episode this season after hearing its initial premise. It's probably too soon to pivot on the main hook

I actually enjoyed Alex + Ada much more than the other Luna books - mostly because the addition of Sarah Vaughan as writer did a lot to flesh out Ada herself. I thought all the previous Luna brothers projects had nifty premises that were simplistically executed, though I appreciated them for occupying a unique corner

He actually sounds like the ideal target audience for it. The artwork is pretty cool and it tells the story of the Green Mountain Boys militia, which makes it unique from other Revolutionary War stories. If he's young enough not to notice the cliches, he'll probably enjoy it quite a bit.