Team Zissou

Brubaker's run is tops! One of my favorite runs in superhero comics. You can stop immediately once Steve Rogers becomes Cap again though. Brubaker ran out of inspired stories by that point and basically ran on autopilot until the end.

I actually enjoy when Sava takes pot shots at the Big Two while posting exclusive previews for them. That sly devil.

I was sad to finish Stern's run, but I'm surprised that DeFalco seems to have a better grasp of the civilian supporting cast so far. It takes 10 issues for Aunt May to forgive Peter for dropping out of graduate school and the entire fight and reconciliation is realistic and ultimately sweet. His Hobgoblin is a little

I think my favorite part was the side issue when the Avengers were off doing something important, so the intergalactic council of badasses (Guardian, Ronan, and a few others I'm forgetting) lay the beatdown and kill one of Thanos' lieutenants - I think Supergiant.

You mean her entire career after Almost Famous?

I plan to wear my UCLA shirt with Captain America on it. I couldn't believe it when I visited campus and saw that they sold licensed Marvel and Star Wars shirts with school branding.

I've read it! It's uh, really long? But heartfelt.

That's too bad. I like Silk when Ford and other artists are on the book. I LOVE the book she Lee is drawing. She is just able to convey so much more liveliness and emotion from the character. As an Asian American myself, there's a tenderness to the family scenes that I imagine must be coming from Lee's own background

He was pretty solid during the Brand New Day era of Amazing Spider-Man. His story about being trapped in an underground subway with civilians and the Shocker was one of the best stories out of the entire run.

I grew up reading 90s Spider-Man comics, so I got accustomed to them telling one amorphous story across several books without much creator authorship.

I'm excited to hear Stacey Lee is back on Silk! I was disappointed when she disappeared for the majority of the relaunched title without explanation. Do you know if she's back as a regular artist?

Thanks! I'm mostly just picking up whatever odd books I can find at the library, plus I have some instocktrades orders to continue reading some regular titles I buy (Gotham Academy, Silver Surfer, Descender).

Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender is the no-brainier suggestion based on his preferences, assuming he hasn't read it already. It's one of the best X-runs I've ever read and has one of my favorite depictions of Deadpool. Plus he can understand it perfectly if he watched both movies this summer.

Just finished my last day of teacher work yesterday and today is the first day of summer break as I comment on this article from bed!

Damn it. It's really hard to get the complete story with the ping-ponging nature of story elements from back then. My Stern omnibus left out all the PPSM issues that were happening concurrently, so I just had to shrug whenever they made references to plots involving Black Cat and the Kingpin that wee happening in the

"Lying" seems to be such a key part of the news cycle that I yearn for the days when the work could just speak for itself. Games of Thrones similarly had a huge season ending twist last year that the actors and show runners had to completely lie about to preserve the story they wanted to tell. The Walking Dead, on the

What did you read this week?

The music video feels like they only try to show him in quick cuts too.

Didn't they write that ska Superman song? Ugh, that was my favorite song to fake skateboard to while playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater.

This was a really great article, and I agreed with how insane it is that colorists don't get credit on certain trade dresses. I've only recently started to notice the colorists on books I read, such as Matt Wilson on Paper Girls and The Wicked + the Divine or Elizabeth Breitweiser on the Fade Out, because their