Team Zissou

Again, it’s probably not hard to figure out who I’m talking about, because now—that was years ago, and now she’s got way more clout to her name. I think she’s in a position to really represent the Asian community, and of course Asian women, very, very well, which is fucking awesome, but it is pathetic that it’s 2016,

I was confused by this headline until I realized he must have been cast in the upcoming DCU movie version of the Flash with Ezra Miller. Who could he be playing - maybe that version of Captain Cold? That could be an interesting way to get people to overlook the existing, excellent TV incarnation: get a well-known

Hello! I backed this game on kickstarter. I'm a rather casual gamer these days, but I bought in just because Mega Man was one of my favorite franchises during my golden era of gaming (basically everything pre-college).

It sounds like he was one of the undead grunts during the Necrosha crossover? I don't remember him appearing, but none of those guys stuck around anyway.

I remember that! Except it was in an issue of Young Justice, and it was the first time Snapper Carr showed up to as their new adult mentor. PAD wrote it and I think he mentioned the Hourman stuff (this was just after that series ended) and they were talking about their similar experiences.

Skin's still dead too. We'll never have our Generation X reunion :(

I was fine with that logic and reasoning for starting the Miles book, whose charter school lottery scenes were especially poignant. I'm a teacher at a charter school, so the early issues of the series resonated with me and I could buy Bendis' authenticity there.

The Starman Omnibuses are great collections that are decently sized without getting unwieldy, plus they look great on the shelf. I believe it's uncertain if the softcover trades are going to be completed, but the hardcovers are definitely worth hunting down.

I'm surprised that Extraordinary X-Men is the book I'm enjoy the most out of the line-up so far too. It just has the most classic characters and I've been a fan of some of Ramos' work in the past, even if it often errs on the wrong side between "energetic" and "horrifying." Plus I'm surprised that it's often allowed

I think you meant Moondragon left with Phyla-Vell and became everyone's favorite Space Couple before both dying?

That Ultimate X run was much better than it had any right to be and was probably the last readable work from Jeph Loeb. Adams' work was so interesting that it managed to power through Loeb's mediocre writing instincts, which is a feat that even Ed McGuinness hasn't been able to achieve for some time.

Nick Spencer wrote a VERY delightful Jimmy Olsen one-shot before the New 52 reboot that brought back a lot of his Silver Age goodness, plus introduced a new main love interest in Chloe Sullivan(!). It originally started as a back-up story to Paul Cornell's Action Comics starring Lex Luthor when DC was experimenting

DC's responsible for this to an extent too, with Johns frequently trotting our various former Teen Titans whenever he needs canon fodder in an event story to prove how tough and evil his bad guys are.

Does it matter much? At this point he's a martial arts-trained rockstar hacker with comics awareness*. I actually really like him, so all I care about is that he's back again.

He also briefly served as the sponsor for the Excelsior! support group for former sidekicks in the Runaways series.

I've read some interviews where he's argued about how conflicted the decision was, and he explored how it could be problematic to not kill off POC characters from time to time because it'll make them invincible and remove stakes from any stories involving them. This exploration had more nuance than I expected, but it

I made a big mistake this year in adding Vulture to my Feedly subscriptions. Their next-day articles are always filled with spoilers, often interviewing characters who just died on shows like this one and The Walking Dead, plus posting headlines like "A shocking episode of _____ results in an unexpected death!" next

It's the only Absolute Edition I own, and it was 100% worth it. I don't think I need to own any others.

Both of those Comics Week articles are about TV shows! I want my two dollars back.

I think mileage will vary depending on what you've thought of Refn's past movies. Did they disgust you, but you still found them worth watching, analyzing, and discussing afterwards? If you're interested at all, it's worth seeing in theaters over home video because of the vivid colors, cinematography, and music.