Team Zissou

It's ok. At least he's getting his own show.

It hasn't been confirmed, but most of the talk has been around two more shortened seasons with 7 and 6 episodes, respectively. I have some good faith they can pull it off in that time frame. They have to settle all these conflicts and STILL deal with the White Walkers.

He's got to build all those boats!

Didn't you see the finger sticking out of the meat pie after Walder Frey peeled off the crust?

The JRjr preference is probably due to me mostly growing up with an adult Spidey. I also greatly prefer Ditko's version much more than John Romita because it was truly unique and unlike other heroes published at the time. It was astonishing to see how unnerving the character's initial appearances were. I love Ditko's

I definitely agree re: Daredevil having the best track record with quality storytelling. No one else comes even close.

I'd suggest The Man Without Fear or Daredevil: Yellow as a starting point. Both are standalone minis that depict his early days in different fashions. The artwork in both is incredibly good.

I've wanted to try out PAD's run, but only got through the first few issues because it felt like he was cleaning up the previous run. Is there a better jumping on point, or should I keep plowing through?

Wieringo is probably my favorite artist to ever draw the team, but I can't argue that I picture anyone else's version right away because Byrne's whenever I have to picture those characters.

A close second for me. I really don't think I've liked his artwork on any other title besides Thunderbolts, but his Ultimate Spider-Man work was really special and comforting. I don't think that book would have worked as well without his aggressively paced pencil work contributing to its release schedule.

Honestly, I'm sick of bickering between fans, journalists, and creatives. The worst thing that ever happened to my love of comics was joining Twitter. It's removed some of the magic for me and it leaves none of the participants coming off clean.

He's relatively put-upon throughout most of his life still, even if the everyday bullying of high school is far removed. As an adult, I find his struggles have even more resonance because it shows how hard it is to be true to yourself and try to do the right thing when dealing with a real world that is built to reward

What are some characters who have definitive artists for you?

Mine is Spider-Man. For all of Marvel's breakthroughs in the 60's with creating grounded, relatable human superheroes, Spider-Man remains the best example of this everyman archetype. As a young reader, I learned a lot about moral responsibility and what it means to be a good person from this guy, and I still get a

What did you read this week?

This reminds me of this recent article about how Silicon Valley nails the details by using 200+ consultants and getting unparalleled access to the companies they're satirizing.

I ordered that trade but haven't read it yet. From what I've heard, it's a Last Days tie-in that's supposed to be very meta. I'm looking forward to checking it out.

The 100-issue commitment is also puzzling to me because of how challenging it is for the artist. From what I understand, most artists on creator-owned books can only work on one series at a time. The sales need to be worthwhile enough for them to be able to survive. I recently saw on Twitter that Joe Eisma has started

There's not really a hypothetical "they" in this situation. It's a creator-owned book, so it's entirely up to Spencer and Eisma.

It's my favorite Allred book since X-Statix. Slott seems to tailor his writing for Allred better than other collaborators have in the past. The stories have given Allred amazing landscapes that really stretch his talent, and I'm a real sucker for the way he draws women, so Dawn is a total cutie. I love this book.