Team Zissou

You might be misremembering. It's even weirder — she sleeps with Doug Ramsey because Warlock is too much of a wimp to close the deal!

I love both of these dudes, and Ethan Hawke surprisingly always comes off as so self-aware.

When I worked at a store while in high school, I saw myself resentfully having to buy this ongoing monthly Image series that was written by an older co-worker. I really wasn't into it, but I felt I would lose face in front of him if I stopped following it. Later, another guy helpfully pointed out that since I wasn't

I actually don't mind when my store does it because it helps me catch tie-ins and spinoff books that I wanted to get but otherwise wouldn't have asked for. I feel a little bad when I put back the majority of the tie-ins, but I think it's okay because I never agreed to buy them in advance. It's really great not having

It's a shame that Marvel quickly forgot it existed and that any developments have been ignored. Spencer's Maria Hill is a completely different (and worse) character.

Oh for sure. I was trying to argue the general trend, but Shalvey is great. I've wanted to get a commission from him ever since I saw this Comics Alliance article:

I just bought the latest Ant-Man trade, which also is a Vol. 1 because it was retitled Astonishing Ant-Man. Now I'll have two Vol. 1's in a row there too, but thankfully it'll at least still go in alphabetical order…

It's going like a holographic "blade" of some type. So far, I don't like it. Seems pretty random. The only thing wrong with Cap's original shield was that it wasn't… Wolverine enough?

I'm somewhat excited for it and it really looks like a unique standalone story similar to Ant-Man (which I loved).

I've enjoyed a good number of Rebirth titles so far too, but I remember the same feeling during the start of New 52. I'm reserving judgment until we see how they're able to maintain quality 6 months from now before I get too optimistic.

It's a tie-in book, which is usually where they try out their more unproven talent, as Sava describes above. The title alone is usually enough for them to get sales momentum.

It's about what you'd expect. So far, the core conflict is nowhere as well defined as the original Civil War and it's pretty unclear how the "sides" are going to be divided. Right now, it seems like the Ultimates and ANAD Avengers are just sticking with their respective teammates.

I much prefer the age of variant covers to the age of chrome covers. With variants, at least you can basically ignore their existence and it has no impact on your reading. The die-cut chromium era had the side effect of increasing costs for those individual issues, and every month there seemed to be a new "event"

When Dan Slott started writing Big Time, he made a point to give him a new costume right off the bat, arguing that it had been a long time since he had a new costume. The Tron costume only lasted for a little bit, and since then it's seemingly been a new costume every 6 months.

The MJ Watson theory is pretty aggravating, since Spider-Man already has *one* famous dead ex-girlfriend. She's also barely had much of a role in Invincible Iron Man and technically doesn't even work for him yet. The unnecessary nature of the ASM tie-in book - not even written by Dan Slott - shows that Peter isn't

I appreciated Sava's damning with faint praise approach to write the introduction to this preview. None of these side story books have really been successful.

After seeing the reviews, Scream 4 turned out to be so much better than I expected. I loved the way that it subverted expectations by dumping all the new kids by the end of the movie and revealing the new lead to be the killer. Promotion had led us to believe that this was going to be one of those "handing off the

It was genuinely shocking because you expect the likable audience surrogate character to be safe, especially after what they do with him in the first movie. He's basically the Xander of the cast.

And then the article itself is relatively spoiler light, revealing none of the killers aside from references to their motivations. For some reason I appreciated that, even as someone who's seen all these movies.

The biggest face on said poster too. Good misdirect!