Team Zissou

Something about the ghostly form of Ben Stiller's real wife encouraging him to move on and bang other hot chicks made me feel reeeeeeally uncomfortable.

I agree with the 15-year delay detracting from the movie. The main actors are so much older in this film that it was a little sad to see them resorting to the same shenanigans and trying to pass as models. I had a similar experience just seeing the trailers for Dumb & Dumber To, which mostly just made me feel sorry

The red cartridge was the coolest thing about it, and it was probably the most accurate comic book video game adaptation at the time. The gameplay itself was pretty poor, but man… that red cartridge!

I'm surprisingly fine with this. The nonsensical age-defying logic of these movies is surprisingly similar to the sliding timescale from Marvel continuity. I never expected this to be reflected in the movies, but eh, whatchagonnado!

The first half of his Amazing Spider-Man (with John Romita Jr.) is pretty remarkable and underrated. You could ignore the rest after that.

I liked it for what it was at the time, but there's no way that game holds up. The photography aspect was pretty cool though and I'm surprised it's never been picked up.

My fiancee is usually my reading partner since she reads the majority of trades that I finish and then pass along to her these days. She's been interested since she was young but didn't have much exposure, so I've been surprised how deep she's gotten. When I asked her to name her favorite writer and artist, I was

This couldn't come soon enough. Spidey's been my favorite superhero for a long time, and those Arkham games were making me resentful. I had to start dipping into the back catalog and play a lot of the merely okay Spider-Man games from the previous generation.

I use it on an iPad and I mostly download issues for my subway commutes. It's a totally great deal and is completely worth it for me so I can read runs that were interesting to me, but I never bought because I had to budget my spending. I never would have read Annihilation and the assorted Cosmic Marvel DnA books

I've noticed that the mileage for Francis Ha tends to vary depending on how much you can relate to the character. For me, I love the movie because I can see a bit of my past self in Francis and I definitely know some friends who are even more like her. My late 20s/30s friends who tend to have their shit together

It's on HBO Go and is a real nice way to spend 90 minutes.

I groaned out loud when Arya slowly gathered herself back up while the Waif literally stopped 20 ft away just so she could smile at her menacingly.

*Vague Spoilers* Her new role in ME3 actually comes off sweet and poignant in spite of being a predictable character turn for this archetype.

It actually has never ended, but it's erratic release schedule has sapped all momentum and interest from the title. I really wish they would just give it a conclusion because its highs are pretty great, but it has long overstayed its welcome. Kind of like Fables, but with shorter peaks and a relatively smaller dip in

AvX: Consequences was soooo good that it made me desperately wish Gillen got to write the follow-up to AvX instead of Bendis.

Again: those colors!!!! I'm not sure if I've seen anything like it in comics.

I was impressed by how much Barrows has improved. I mostly remember him from the McKeever run on Teen Titans, where the art was pretty meh. I flipped through the book not knowing who drew the book - I assumed Tony Daniel - and was pleasantly surprised once I saw the credits at the end.

Did the New 52 impact Morrison's conclusion that much? I can just remember the one issue where Stephanie Brown had to be redrawn from Batgirl to Spoiler (who didn't even exist in the New 52 yet). It's been a while so I can't remember if there are other examples.

As a whole, Morrison's Batman didn't really work for me, but even I agree that Batman & Robin is its high point. The Morrison/Quitely issues are particularly spectacular, and I found Damian & Dick to be a real hoot as a pairing.

I have a lot of nostalgia for the original Secret Wars covers because back in my childhood, those were always the back issues I saw at the comic store that were iconic and wayyyy out of my price range.