Team Zissou

Random question you might have an answer for: Is it worth playing through the demo if I have plans to buy it?

I absolutely loved Bravely Default until its last 1/3 almost eliminated all of its good will. I actually think I'll really enjoy the second one if it's similar enough to the first one, minus the endgame bullshit.

Right. That appreciation for the cartoony style is why DC: The New Frontier is probably my favorite Justice League-related title, especially in a nice fancy Absolute or Deluxe Edition.

Not to mention Marcos Martin splitting arcs with Rivera at the start of the run. It's probably the single run of comics with the most consistent high quality by multiple artists. The only other book that comes to mind is Remender's Uncanny X-Force, whose artwork is almost* uniformly great** across multiple styles that

This is a valid concern. My copy is not with me but at my parents' house, resting on top of a dresser because it can't fit on any reasonable bookshelf. You can imagine how thrilled they are about this.

The Barney/daughter resolution did not work for me at all. I thought all of his character growth was undone by the way he kept referring to the mother of his daughter by a number (representing the order he "conquered" her out of many women that day) instead of by her name.

I mostly had the same feelings as you for the stories, though I rate Flash and Metamorpho much higher just because of how much I enjoy the artists. There's no way I could have enjoyed the series on a weekly one-page pace, but I'm glad I own the collection because it's so unique and a great showcase for these artists.

"Unthinkable" is probably the most controversial arc in Waid's FF because it ignores Doom's nobility and makes him out to be an over-the-top cartoonishly evil asshole. I actually really enjoyed it. It's not my favorite take on the character, but I enjoy how Waid firmly believes in it and takes it as far as he can. I

The Wednesday Comics Kamandi story is the only one I've ever read featuring that character, and boy oh boy is it incredible. I wish Ryan Sook was fast enough to work on a monthly schedule.

Sometimes the tie-ins are actually optional and writers hop on themselves in hopes of boosting sales and extending the lifespan of the book. PAD talked about doing that for All-New X-Factor, which ended up tying in with AXIS during some of its final issues.

Plus the painful Greg Land artwork on that opening arc was a huge misdirection from the tone the book ended up taking on.

It's actually $5, and I'm holding out too! *Waits patiently*

I'm really curious how that one would have turned out. As a huge Spidey fan, it would have been awesome to see the Sinister Six on the screen. I've also heard that the movie was supposed to be set in the Savage Land, which makes it all sound even more bonkers.

I'm frankly surprised by the number of JRPG games (FF's in particular) where I got to the final dungeon and just gave up for the exact reasons you described. In some cases, I just watched my brother or one of my friends beat it and experienced the ending that way, so I felt even less incentive to put up with the end

Right. Basically all of it.

I'm not sure if you're joking, but Hugh Jackman has actually been hinting pretty hard at this for a while. At SDCC this year, he said, “I’ve got three words for you guys: Old Man Logan.”

I will say this: Way's Young Animal imprint has me way more intrigued than anything in DC Rebirth and his Doom Patrol looks like the only new DC book I'm guaranteed to pick up.

Right, I've really enjoyed Gerard Way's books, though I haven't yet been able to separate him fully from his influences. That's why I'm concerned there may have not been enough time to develop his voice before being given this much control. It's not the curating of books, but more the co-writing gigs he's taking on.

Umbrella Academy is AMAZING. Just really delightful and super weird. It's like if you took the sensibilities of Tim Burton and Wes Anderson and mixed them in a blender with Grant Morrison.

Right, the current model just doesn't sound like it's built to gauge the way modern audiences experience things. I've heard a lot of people complain that DC pulled the plug on DCYou too early instead of waiting to see how the collections sold.