Team Zissou

I though that those Marv Wolfman written FF issues would be fine because of the pedigree, but they were a real snoozer. (See: my comment about these omnibus collections of full runs starting with the weakest material)

It probably had Marco Checchetto's best work so far. I can't wait for them to promote that guy to the big leagues.

The artwork did a lot to sell the HoM universe. My main problem with it was that it wasn't particularly character-driven. For example, Civil War - as wonky as the plot twists turned out to be - mainly focused on Cap, Iron Man, and Spidey (to a lesser extent) the whole way. House of M toys with following Wolverine as

Also, I guess the Ultimate Galactus Trilogy is the closest we'll get to an Ellis-driven event for the Big Two.

If we're going to go ahead and play Fantasy Event Comic, I'd be curious what Joss Whedon could do with a comic book event. He's already connected to Civil War because he came up with the ending for the original mini-series.

Merely thinking about the Bendis-scripted Civil War II makes me wince, months in advance. I remember feeling fairly disappointed by House of M, but then it turned out to be the best event book he's done and he's only been on a downward spiral ever since.

Right, I'm actually very interested in the status quo of the Star Wars universe around the time of The Force Awakens. Paying attention to the clues given in the movie was a fun thing to unpack with people afterwards.

The Poe Dameron series looks like it's going to move into dangerous territory in terms of meta-storytelling. Because the character has very little definition in the film series so far, I feel like the movies are just going to ignore any comic stories moving forward, and I don't feel confident enough in Soule to make

I really didn't enjoy that one. Mike Deodato's art took a turn for the worse around that time, looking more computerized and it hasn't changed much since.

I'm over halfway through my Spider-Man by Roger Stern Omnibus. I've been reading it in starts and spurts over the past few months but couldn't get much momentum with it. The problem with these older, epic runs is that they usually start kind of meh before the writer/artist hits their peak form. The John Byrne FF and

Holy crap.

It'd be great to see him become a regular actor for a good director like PTA, Wes Anderson, or Quentin Tarantino.

Stealth Italian Job sequel directed by F. Gary Gray? I could buy it.

Does Sam Rockwell dance throughout the movie? Will there be a soundtrack-only option on the DVD, or will I have to watch it on mute?

I can't tell how much screenwriting talent Landis actually has due to the hit-or-miss nature of the actual produced movies. I actually really enjoyed American Ultra though. It was well-cast and had some unique, stylish direction with a good set piece or two. It just was nowhere near as funny as the trailers tried to

She had a pretty good run there with Up in the Air, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, 50/50, and both Pitch Perfects. I think she'll bounce back.

I'm a huge fan of both actors, so it's a bummer that this turned out poorly. I got excited when I first heard it, but the trailer for it was rather mediocre.

Right, the PS1 era was the peak of JRPGs for me. It helped that I was in middle/high school at the time and saw them as my main pastime for characterization and storytelling. The bonanza Japanese-style plotting and twists were a wonder back then.

Right! And she begs him to let her sit just a little longer. He responds by grumbling.

Right, it was the gameplay mechanics that made the summon animations so much worse in FFVIII. I found myself spamming the Guardian Forces so much because they were free, and also because the game rewarded you for using them more often by shortening the wait time for the summon. That, plus the alternative was using